Heh. Somehow you guys crack me up. Never have I known such prejudice as there is among the Bush haters. Tsk tsk.
Those who still "support" Saddam are either terrorists or just plain extremists. There are far more people in this country who support Bush than people over there who ever supported Saddam, yet many act as if Bush is worse than Saddam. Why would you support someone who willfully and uselessly murders thousands of his own citizens?
"I'll give it the benefit of the doubt . . ." What doubt? How is democracy not better than tyranny? Do you really think that most of the people in Iraq enjoyed being threatened with their lives if they didn't vote? Now they can choose to vote for whoever they please without fear of being shot. To say you don't know which one is better is sheer stupidity, willing ignorance, and dumb denial.
Where do you get the idea that Saddam was not a threat? Every person with a brain knows that he was. Clinton knows, Bush Sr. knows, even Kerry agreed. Many liberal Democrats, including past presidents (and Ted Kennedy himself), have commented on the threat that Saddam posed. Bush finally did something about it. I don't agree with Bush on everything, but I don't disagree with something simply because he believes it. It doesn't matter what he would say or do, you and your Bush-hating-cult members would still be negative on every turn.
No it's not good that 1000 Americans have died. It was good to eliminate the threat and free souls who desire to be free (if there was anyone who did NOT want to be free, believe me, someone would have found them and put them on the front page of every paper). I'm not sure why liberals would care about 1000 people dead for a real cause when they don't care about the four million killed by abortion in our country.
No it's not good that the US has a large debt. This is where I wish Bush would shape up, slim down some bills and reduce spending on frivolous things. Of course, if Kerry had won, he could spend twice as much and not get any criticism from the liberal nay-sayers.
"Is it a good thing the Iraqi people can elect their own government now? Yes in theory . . .", I hope you don't mind if I paraphrase: "but hopefully everything will collapse and Iraq will plunge into total chaos and then we can point to Bush and other pseudo-conservatives/conservatives because they are all a bunch of evil cretans who only want to destroy the world." I know you want it to go bad. You would rejoice if it did.
"Obviously, I am against the war . . . "
War is wrong, war is evil. I certainly don't disagree there. On the other hand, what do you do if you see your neighbor beating and killing his own wife and children? Do you risk getting involved? Or do you let the tyrant go and let the helpless family fend for themselves? That's not something I will argue too long on, as a believer in non-resistance. I believe the government is there for a reason. But I also believe killing is sin, and I can not do it. However, our government is not Christian (there are those who would claim otherwise, but they are wrong), and can not be expected to always act as a Christian church should act.
Here's a rundown of a few of the predictions of the liberals (written by someone in another group, not me)
1) They claimed we'd lose 10s of thousands of our soldiers in the war. Wrong - we only lost around 1500...an unbelievably low number compared to the naysayers own estimates.
2) They claimed that Saddam's elite Republican Guard was a fierce fighting force and the streets would run with blood once we got to Baghdad. They claimed we'd find out what fighting was all about. Wrong - the Guard (not so elite) mostly split and run.
3) They claimed most Iraqi's would view us as occupiers and oppressors rather than liberators. Wrong - the Iraqi's begged us not to leave.
4) Then they claimed Iraq couldn't hold free elections by Jan. 30 and that we HAD to move the date back. Wrong - Elections WERE held on Jan. 30 and they were a smashing success!!
Who in the world would be dumb enough to continue believing mass media after the last two years? Not those who can think for themselves, obviously.
Interesting Washington Times article today:
The Washington Times
Naysayers tight-lipped since success of Iraq vote
By James G. Lakely
Published February 2, 2005
Skeptics of President Bush's attempt to bring democracy to Iraq have been largely silent since Iraqis enthusiastically turned out for Sunday's elections.
Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros and left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore were among critics of the administration's Iraq policy who had no comment after millions of Iraqis went to the polls in their nation's first free elections in decades.
The Carter Center determined that the security situation in Iraq was going to be too dangerous to send election monitors, so the Atlanta-based human rights organization founded by former President Jimmy Carter posted its personnel in neighboring Jordan.
Despite widespread predictions of spectacular terrorist attacks on election day in Iraq, fewer than 50 were killed, and the 60 percent turnout for the elections was much higher than many predicted.
Asked whether the Carter Center had a comment on the election, spokeswoman Kay Torrance said: "We wouldn't have any 'yea' or 'nay' statement on Iraq."
Mr. Carter told NBC's "Today" show in September that he was confident the elections would not take place. "I personally do not believe they're going to be ready for the election in January ... because there's no security there," he said.
Mr. Soros, the Open Society Institute founder who contributed millions of dollars to groups seeking to prevent Mr. Bush's re-election, had denounced as a "sham" the administration's plans for a democratic Iraq.
"To claim that we are invading Iraq for the sake of establishing democracy is a sham, and the rest of the world sees it as such," Mr. Soros said in a Washington speech in March 2003, adding that "the trouble goes much deeper."
"It is not merely that the Bush administration's policies may be wrong, it is that they are wrong," Mr. Soros said in the speech. "Because we are unquestionably the most powerful, [the Bush administration claims] we have earned the right to impose our will on the rest of the world."
Mr. Soros' Web site (
www.georgesoros.com) has no reference to the Iraqi elections. Its latest comments are in a Jan. 26 op-ed article on what Mr. Soros calls Mr. Bush's "ambitious" second inaugural address.
"Mr. Soros has not released any statements about the elections in Iraq," said Soros spokesman Michael Vachon. "He has been traveling since Sunday on various foundation projects and hasn't had occasion to comment."
Mr. Vachon said Mr. Soros' "position regarding the Bush administration's policies in Iraq and his criticism thereof have been consistent."
In his Jan. 26 article, published in more than 20 newspapers, including the Toronto Globe and Mail, Mr. Soros said he agrees with Mr. Bush's goal to spread democracy around the world, "and
have devoted the past 15 years and several billion dollars of my fortune to attaining it," but accused the president of "Orwellian doublespeak."
"Mr. Bush is right to assert that repressive regimes can no longer hide behind a cloak of sovereignty," wrote Mr. Soros, 74, who made his fortune as an international currency trader. "But intervention in other states' internal affairs must be legitimate."
There has been no comment since the Iraq elections from Mr. Moore, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker who characterized the Iraqi insurgents as "Minutemen," and predicted "they will win."
The last posting from Mr. Moore on his Web site (www.michaelmoore.com) is dated Jan. 10 and concerns "Fahrenheit 9/11" being named best dramatic movie in the People's Choice Awards. An e-mail to Mr. Moore requesting comment was not returned.
On the day before the elections, Mr. Moore featured a link to a column in the New York Times with the headline, "A Sinking Sensation of Parallels between Iraq and Vietnam." On the day after the elections, Mr. Moore linked to a story in the left-wing Nation magazine titled "Occupation Thwarts Democracy."
Moorewatch.com, a site dedicated to countering the filmmaker's political statements, knocked Mr. Moore for "failing to acknowledge [the Iraqi people's] achievement."
"I find it telling that the man who has lamented such great concern for the kite-flying, tea-sipping Iraqi people featured in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' can't be bothered to string together a few words of admiration for those same people who braved the threat of death to cast their votes this past weekend," the anti-Moore Web site said. "It seems Moore only admires the Iraqi people when they validate his agenda of hating George Bush."
Some administration critics, however, saw the Iraqi elections as reason to revise their opinion of Mr. Bush.
Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown, who has consistently opposed Mr. Bush and the war in Iraq, wrote for yesterday's edition that "it's hard to swallow," but "what if it turns out Bush was right, and we were wrong?"
The Chicago columnist wrote that he was struck by "television coverage from Iraq that showed long lines of people risking their lives by turning out to vote, honest looks of joy on so many of their faces."
"If it turns out Bush was right all along, this is going to require some serious penance," Mr. Brown wrote.