Graphing, plotting, matricies, statistics, distirbutions, confidence intervals, many regression techniques, this thing does it all.
It's about 6 months old. I'm done with it now that I finished my Master's. I could not have gotten through with my statistics courses without this thing!
This baby is going for $100 after tax new in the store and you still have to buy batteries.
How about $70 shipped in USA with batteries installed and ready to go?! $75 outside the USA.
Feel free to propose a trade or counter offer.
Manual and data cable included.
It's about 6 months old. I'm done with it now that I finished my Master's. I could not have gotten through with my statistics courses without this thing!
This baby is going for $100 after tax new in the store and you still have to buy batteries.
How about $70 shipped in USA with batteries installed and ready to go?! $75 outside the USA.
Feel free to propose a trade or counter offer.
Manual and data cable included.