Urgent request for Digital Projector recommendations


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
I apologize for prefacing my post as "urgent" (as I usually despise such posts myself), however, expediency is truly needed in this case [Deadline Friday afternoon].

Horror Story Preface
I am uncertain of all the details however the gist of the story is this - My cousin purchased a SOLD AS NEW Infocus rp10x from Tigerdirect.ca maybe a year ago or so. It recently malfunctioned. In attempting to have the unit replaced/repaired, he was made aware that it was actually a REFURBISHED model :eek: and that warranty no longer applied or something to this affect. After a long verbal confrontation with some Tigerdirect Manager, he secured full credit for the unit.

He needs to obtain a new projector ASAP. Given that the replacement model needs to be very similar in terms of specs and performance as the broken model, and that he has a price ceiling of ~$3K CDN, are there any recommendations in the house? I know little/nothing about projectors. Here is Tigerdirect's offerings (plenty it would seem under the manufacturer pull down menu).

Hopefully a match between recommendations and products available at TD can be made. It is rather unfortunate that he obtained store credit instead of refund, as I think this would have been a perfect time to shop at Dell. Oh well. Anyways, I would really like to try to help him out with this one, so your feedback will be much appreciated.

Thanks, CK


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
CityK, although I am not up to speed on current projector specifications, several of my customers have used CDW as their source of information and sometimes purchase. You should be able to contact them, explain your needs, and then ask for a recommendation. After which, I would carefully review the specs for each recommended model and then formulate additional questions for a call back. No, they are not the least expensive, and sometimes they are the most expensive. Plus, their sales person might try to convince you to purchase a unit that is more then you need, but that is typical of all sales environments, and I certainly have confidence that you could make your way through such balony.
