Storage? I am Storage!
I thought this might be of some general interest. We've all been buying USB drives for a long time. Usually their capacity seems to be exactly as advertised, or sometimes a slight amount less. For example, I have a pair of these I bought last year which are 127,968,411,648 bytes total capacity-a bit less than 128 decimal GB but still very close. Last week I bought two of these. One had 133,143,953,408 bytes and the other 137,019,490,304 bytes. What I think accounts for the differences is the nature of flash memory chips. They're made in powers of two, so 128 GB drives really have chips with 128 binary GB, or 137,438,953,472 bytes, of raw flash memory. At the factory they test all the cells, lock out the defective ones, and keep some percentage as spares. I guess in the case of my two new PNY drives the flash memory tested better than expected, so rather than locking out a lot of perfectly good memory, they left it accessible to the user.
Has anyone else experienced this? Obviously it's great to get more than you paid for. I'm just wondering how often it happens.
Has anyone else experienced this? Obviously it's great to get more than you paid for. I'm just wondering how often it happens.