Welcome New Members


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
TMD - long, long ago, far, far away....

Just where are you guys seeing this nick anyway?? Did he just sign up but hasn't posted yet?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Does anyone mind if I post on-topic for a moment? No worries then. I just want to say how nice it is to have some bew members from Oz. Not that there is anything wrong with being from some other place, I hasten to add, it's a time-zone thing. One of my favourite times to visit Storage Forum is Friday evening (Oz time). I've finished work for the week and I'm too buggered to do anything useful, or even (usually) post anything much. Mostly I arrive here and just make like a wallflower, aimlessly flicking through the new posts and getting a chuckle here and there, now and then being inspired to a fit of activity and posting something.

But, alas, Friday night is the great Storage Forum dead zone: no-one comes by for hours at a time. So, anyway, it's nice to have some new Oz-timezone members to keep me amused. (Yes, even if they do like lights in cases!)

BTW, I'm off in a few moments for the weekend. Not planting this time, doing a bird survey. How much difference does our revegetation project really make? How many years of growth do we need before we have good habitat, and for which species? We know (or think we know) that the Regent Honeyeater will need 30-odd years before the trees are mature enough to provide sufficient nectar flow to make attractive habitat for Regents, but casual birdwatching in the district tells me that many of the smaller woodland birds are already moving into quite young plantings - sometimes as young as a couple of years. Robins, pardalotes, thornbills, fantails, babblers, and so on.

Well, am I dreaming? This weekend we (me and many other Birds Australia members) will find out; get some hard scientific numbers. But first I have to go home, pack, feed the cats, drive 300 kilometres, set up camp, and (finally!) sleep.

(Sleep. Does anyone remember sleep?)


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
If I remember right, Tin Mad Dog quit posting on storage review with 999 posts. I remember he liked to talk about guns a lot. I always suspected he just took just made himself a new nick.

But, anyway, I'm personally glad for cold weather in Oz, since keeping Tannin in of doors ensures that he'll be by from time to time to post something. That way we can be sure that he and his talking sock are still alive all the way down there in Ballarat.


Learning Storage Performance
Jul 29, 2005
Victoria, Australia
Mercutio said:
But, anyway, I'm personally glad for cold weather in Oz, since keeping Tannin in of doors ensures that he'll be by from time to time to post something. That way we can be sure that he and his talking sock are still alive all the way down there in Ballarat.

Brrrrr... Brrrr... cold is certainly the word for it, NOT Canada cold though only -1 -> -5 (celcius of course :p) overnight @ times, I'm told that Ballarat has a similar climate to the UK ;)

Tannin said:
Oz-timezone members to keep me amused. (Yes, even if they do like lights in cases!)

LOL truth be known, I'm not falling over myself in the MAD rush to install UV tubes, neon LED's or perspex windows in any of my systems' cases, however I do enjoy 'stirring' those whom the idea (of doing such) appalls :poke: LMAO :lol:

BTW have a nice trip away... you've earned it (putting up with Tea) :lol:


Jan 13, 2002
OK, enough with the drama already. I've split those posts out of this thread because they were HIGHLY inappropriate and offensive. I'm getting tired of the drama, I'm not a baby sitter and both of you need to cool it.

I don’t care who started it, it ends now both of you. If either of you can’t be civil and respectful (as agreed in the ToS), then you will be on a temporary ban, that’s it. The rest of the members don't need to be subjected to this childish behavior.

(sorry mubs, you post had to be moved as it made no sense out of context)