1. You have a Windows 2003 server.
2. You have some random turkey as a user.
3. Said turkey can only access two shares on said server. They have no console access.
4. Said shares contain a load of folders, which occasionally contain loads of files.
How can the account permissions be modified, or the two root folders' security settings be modified, in order to prevent the turkey from deleting/renaming/creating folders on either share? The turkey should still have the ability to delete/rename/create files contained within said folders.
2. You have some random turkey as a user.
3. Said turkey can only access two shares on said server. They have no console access.
4. Said shares contain a load of folders, which occasionally contain loads of files.
How can the account permissions be modified, or the two root folders' security settings be modified, in order to prevent the turkey from deleting/renaming/creating folders on either share? The turkey should still have the ability to delete/rename/create files contained within said folders.