WinFS canceled Permanently?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
So ... can anybody provide any reason why I should care in the slightest? WTF was WiinFS supposed to do that you couldn't already do with NTFS? Or even FAT, for that matter.

Another classic case of a Microsoft "solution" running round looking for a problem. It's no wonder their products suck when they waste incredible amounts of time and money doing stuff that just doesn't need doing.

You know, I'd really like to be put in charge of MS product development for a week. I'd start at 9:00AM on Monday morning with 12,000 staff doing product development and knock off for lunch with 2,000 still on the payroll. After lunch, I'd tell them that from now on they are going to work on stuff that actually matters. If any one of them is having trouble finding a programming job that actually matters, that's no problem - I'm not proud: I'm perfectly happy to be in charge of 1999 programmers instead of 2000; the one who can't find something useful to do needn't bother turning up on Tuesday.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
WinFS is actually something that I very much cared about; having file metadata contained as part of the file system instead of hack-ish addons would make my life a lot better.
There hasn't been a fundamental improvement in file systems on Windows since NTFS brought journaling and long file names to the table in 1993. I'm of the opinion that a fundamental change in how files are stored is exactly something that matters, certainly something more than all the rest of the shit that makes up the next versions of Windows and Office.


Storage Freak
Jan 14, 2002
44.8, -91.5
Lets see.... from what I can remember off the top of my head, Windows Vista promised an awesome hardware accelerated desktop and a great new file system. Well, my ATi card apparently won't allow me to enjoy #1, and now #2 is gone. Is Vista going to be worth an upgrade?