I own one of these new Yamaha CRW-F1 drives. It's a super nice drive. The Disc T@2 feature could be useful in some situations, but I can tell you for sure that it works better on the darker media than the lighter media (green or gold) -- with dark blue being a bit better than dark green.
Actually, I bought the CRW-F1 (ATA version, SCSI, FireWire, and USB also available) mostly for its Audio Master capability. Audio Master is a writing mode where the system burns extremely coherent glitch-free tracks with its ultra-spec laser and huge FIFO buffer. Its not-so-average laser system (laser, controller circuitry, and power supply) is in fact what enables it to pull off the laser tricks used to write out Disc T@2 images, where it burns with a larger-than-normal spot size.