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  1. A

    Clueless and Need Help!

    SOLVED !!! Using my friend, Google, I found: "Ranish Partition Manager" Version 2.40 at It reported the Partition Type for the Maxtor drive as "Unknown," so I had it change the Partition Type to Windows FAT-32, and voila, it now has a drive letter! Must be that GoBack altered...
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    Clueless and Need Help!

    As previously indicated, the BIOS, Device Mgr and Disk Mgr all see the drive. It's identified and reported as health & active, but has no drive-letter assigned (and I'm not being given the option to do that). The only option I'm being given is Delete Partition! :excl:
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    Clueless and Need Help!

    -> Just remembered... ...that I was using GoBack with my HP PC, (I'm no longer using it with my Dell)... Could that possibly be the problem? :eekers:
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    Clueless and Need Help!

    Sorry for not getting back yesterday, but I was sick as a dog (something I ate)! As advised, I went into Disk Management and the Maxtor drive shows up as healthy & active, but no drive letter is assigned... When I right-click on the drive the abilitity to change the drive letter is...
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    Clueless and Need Help!

    Pradeep~ Thanks for the tip. Hopefully, it's that simple a solution because I even tried slaving it on the second IDE cable and got the very same result. :excl: I'm way too tired right now, so I'll try that tomorrow and report back.
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    Clueless and Need Help!

    Background: My previous PC was an HP Pavilion running Win98. The HP's HDD is a Maxtor ATA/66 40GB (model 9409BU8) with FAT32 format. The HP is no longer intact as I have scrounged parts from it for my son's PC, but I still have the Maxtor drive and need to retrieve some data files on it. So...
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    Special IDE cable requirements.

    No problemo... while I need an 8" span beween device connectors, I do not need that long a cable!
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    Special IDE cable requirements.

    Now that's very interesting. I never thought of doing that. :idea:
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    Special IDE cable requirements.

    No arguing about that... No disrespect intended, but I just can't buy this (yet)! But as I indicated, on the cable in question in my case, the use of only one device will be requested at any given time!
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    Special IDE cable requirements.

    Yup, I'm new here (thanks for the welcome mat)... Ya know, I've heard that before - i.e., sharing the IDE cable between a hard drive and an optical device will slow access to the hard drive. However, I don't see why that should be (especially with late model devices). :?: Besides which...
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    Special IDE cable requirements.

    Yeah, I thought about adding an ATA100 card as a last resort. Since I don't really need additional IDE channels, I'd much prefer getting the right cable (less cost). :wink:
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    Special IDE cable requirements.

    The distance between the master and slave connectors on the IDE cables that I have (or have ever seen) is only about 4" (or so)... I need a master-slave span of about 8" in order to connect a secondary master HDD and a slave DVD-RW in my comp's case. :roll: Can you guys please suggest some...