Search results

  1. S

    Speaker suggestions

    Not really considering a sub more due to space constraints than cost, the room is about 3mx4m, so it's pretty small. I took a walk down to Richer sounds this afternoon and listened to a couple of different pairs of speakers and ended up blowing my budget (which I'd half expected to) and my size...
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    Evil Empire

    I don't think Apple are specifically worried about Samsung, I think they're probably just starting with Samsung and if they can win there they'll go after everyone else. I'm guessing they're starting with Samsung because Samsung seem to be positioning themselves directly against Apple in...
  3. S

    Speaker suggestions

    Yeah, 300 pounds was the budget, not the weight limit... ;P For some reason the only times I ever need the pound symbol I'll be typing on the one US keyboard I have (There are 6 functional keyboards in arms reach and another one about a step away, but this is the one computer that's on...). I...
  4. S

    Speaker suggestions

    I just purchased a new TV, and because the new set has 3D and DNLA I also updated my AV receiver at the same time to one which will handle HDMI 1.4. This leaves me with a spare 40" TV and Onkyo TX-SR606 receiver that I figured I'd stick in my bedroom. What it doesn't leave me with is any...
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    Probably not straight up double the value no. With the Das Keyboard you do pay a bit extra for the geek cachet of a keyboard without labels. But in the end, although both are aimed at the keyboard enthusiast market I think the difference in the technologies used will mean that few people would...
  6. S

    RealVNC & Windows 7

    DropBox would be another option for file sharing, if the directory isn't too big, although with the security problems they've had I wouldn't want to use it for anything too sensitive. (Which is a shame since it is nice, dead easy, and wouldn't require you to leave the other machine on.)
  7. S

    MP3 player rant

    Blu-tack... It's the permanently temporary solution.
  8. S

    How to Disable overscan on a Samsung "SMART" tv - solved

    So maybe this should be elsewhere since I've already solved it but it was such a pain in the arse I thought it deserved to be somewhere if only to shorten some other poor bastards search by a day or so... On Saturday I went out and bought a shiny new 40" Samsung D7000 TV. (I should have bought...
  9. S

    How to render the optical drive inoperable?

    How about removing the driver files? Device Manager should tell you what they are... Failing that maybe disassemble the whole thing and detach a ribbon cable in the drive itself, fairly good odds there'll be one...
  10. S

    Linksys E4200 134.99 at local Costco

    The biggest thing missing from them at the moment is Mini-PCI-E. Most new wireless NICs seem to be PCI-E and you can even get Mini-PCI-E USB3 cards so that would be sorted as well if you needed it. My Routerstation Pro has a MicroTik R52n in it which works perfectly well, you can get cheaper...
  11. S

    Something Random

    Did you just try to figure it out on your own or use an iFixIt guide? Generally I think computers should be a lot more accessible than Apples are but iFixIt do do a good job of documenting what you need to do to replace bits, probably better than I've seen for any other brand (Who generally need...
  12. S

    Something Random

    Watch out with the bananas, too many* and you'll be losing weight (and hair) due to radiation poisoning... *Too many in this case being 20,000,000 or so in some, ill defined, period. I have no information on the radioactivity of white toast (it probably depends on the toaster) so the actual...
  13. S

    dSLR thread

    Last time I checked all the PCI-E USB3 used exactly the same chip, so the cheapest was pretty much the best bet...
  14. S

    RAW support in Windows 7

    Well since it only runs on MacOS and MacOS had built in RAW support before it had Aperture it does seem a bit left field. Still, it's hard to beat for basic RAW processing for the money... Lightroom is probably a little bit better for RAW processing and editing but it's about 4x the price...
  15. S

    dSLR thread

    Alternatively a PCMCIA or PATA to CF adapter which are as cheap as chips (Or actually cheaper since neither option contains any chips).
  16. S

    Something Random

    I don't know about the US but I don't think you need any authorization to use LN in the UK. It's dangerous but not any more-so than black-powder or something and you don't need any special licence for that. ... Of course if it was someone else's LN then I can see how authorization might have...
  17. S

    Decent USB Flash Drives

    'Could be... How many ohms in a gigabyte?
  18. S


    Astounds FAQ suggests that it's a WRT54G ( but I'm guessing that's probably out of date if they've told you it's 802.11N. So it might be better than a $20 junk router, but it's pretty nearly guaranteed to be a cheap...
  19. S

    question HDD advice, PLEASE?

    I have a 500GB Samsung in a fat40 and a 640GB Samsung in a slim (Can't remember the original drives size now as I never used it, I think 120), the fats been kicking along for years in fairly cramped, warm, quarters and the slim is constantly bathed in dust but both seems fine. Both drives are...
  20. S

    Plus Me.

    I swear I haven't been cheating on... Wait, which one are you? I hope you do a little better remembering which girlfriend you're protesting your innocence to...
  21. S

    dSLR thread

    Don't forget about the D700, still well over a grand, but a lot less than a D3 for the same sensor. The rumors are that Nikon will announce a D800 and a D4 in August so maybe the D700 and D3(s) prices will drop, especially second hand. I suspect a D4 with D3s like high ISO performance a slight...
  22. S

    Best movie you've seen

    I saw the posters for Drive Angry and just kind of assumed it would be bad but it never crossed my mind that it would be bad in a good way (Looked more Fast and Furious than Dusk 'till Dawn). William Fichtner's character reminded me of Ron Silver in the pilot of Heat Vision and Jack for some...
  23. S

    problem Computer Rebuild

    Some budget chipsets don't have enough PCI-E lanes to have both the on-board graphics and the PCI-E 16x slot functional at the same time. I guess that shouldn't apply to a Sandy-bridge system using the Intel graphics though since they're not connected via the PCI-E bus anyway.
  24. S

    Avira Alternative

    Microsoft Security Essentials seems to be perfectly acceptable.
  25. S

    problem Computer Rebuild

    If you're replacing the motherboard due to a hardware failure just call MS and they should reactivate with the replacement motherboard. They always have for me anyway (Not that I've needed to do it more than a couple of times).
  26. S

    problem Computer Rebuild

    I have a 2500K in my system, with the auto-overclocking on the motherboard enabled and the stock heat sink the CPU got disturbingly hot under heavy load. I'd definitely recommend a good after market heat sink, especially because these things overclock like champs (mine readily hits 4.5Ghz) and...
  27. S

    question Mobile Phones

    I have a Galaxy S as do 3 or 4 people at work, a couple have the HTC desires with the Samsung AMOLED screens, there are also a couple of Galaxy S2s and a few Nexus Ses (Nexi S?). None of them have had issues with the screen warping. (Although the Nexus S starts out with a deliberately warped...
  28. S

    Scripting help?

    Do VBA macros in excel have file system access?
  29. S

    Scripting help?

    Yeah, obviously there's a million and one solutions, I just immediately thought of awk because it's a scripting language designed to iterate through a file and do something to each line. It's not a great solution on Windows though... Or to put it another way, Windows isn't a good solution for...
  30. S

    Scripting help?

    A slightly different approach with fewer (and completely different) dependencies would be to use awk with a script like; #!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN {FS = "|"} { dirname = toupper(substr($1,1,1)) printf("mkdir %s\n", dirname) | "sh" printf("cp '%s' '%s/%s.xls'\n", ARGV[2], dirname, $1) | "sh"...
  31. S

    Media Player Appliances

    Samsung's Android devices seem to have very good DLNA support (Including support for sending a stream from a remote server to a remote endpoint which the other devices in your list probably lack), the new 10" Galaxy Tab would halve your financial problems... An AV receiver with HDMI 1.4...
  32. S

    dSLR thread

    Damnit, they actually look pretty cool, and are not insanely priced... Now you have me thinking about what I could do with one and I've definitely already blown my photography budget for this month (and the next few) on a 70-200 VRII and a new laptop...
  33. S

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    Do you have a platform in mind? Or a language of choice? If you use an existing 3D engine then you can move straight in to the guts of the game you want to make and the hardest part will be the art work. If you're running on a PC then you can afford to throw an insanely detailed graphics and...
  34. S

    dSLR thread

    One thing that got me when I got my F1.8 50mm is that I really didn't expect f1.8 to be that much shorter than everything I'd used before in terms of depth of field. You may find that if you've been using the lens at or near f1.8 to try and eek all the speed you can out of it for hand-held shots...
  35. S

    Android Tablets

    I've tried out a few things on my Nook, Twonky didn't work at all for me, uPnP player worked well enough but requires another player to actually play the content. (RockPlayer worked for me where the cyanogen default player didn't)
  36. S

    Android Tablets

    To be fair to Santilli there was some ambiguity in your post regarding the proper number of e's...
  37. S

    question Mobile Phones

    Beyond the back being glass and hence behaving like it's made of glass I don't think the iPhone4 has been substantially more breakable than any most other smart phones. I would definitely contest that it's lack of durability is common knowledge and I'd be pretty surprised if there was strong...
  38. S

    question Mobile Phones

    I'm kind of surprised by the (unintentional) blackberry damage. The ones I've seen appear to be built like bricks. (They certainly perform like bricks, albeit with a less intuitive user interface.)
  39. S

    Android Tablets

    For my money the Toshiba Thrive is the one to go for. IPS screen, full size HDMI, USB and SD (The Asus only has full size SD on the docking station, +$150, and almost every other tablet needs an adapter for HDMI) and priced pretty much on a par with the Asus. Toshiba finally got around to...
  40. S

    dSLR thread

    I wouldn't bother with a UV filter. It might help protect the lens in some very rare circumstances (unless you drop your camera a lot I guess in which case, not so rare) but it will definitely reduce the image quality of your photos (sometimes noticeably, often not). And when it comes down to it...
  41. S

    Outlook PST Hell

    From a technical standpoint both ways are "wrong" the sane thing to do would be to put the quoted text in to some meta-data fields allowing the recipient to view it, or not, however the hell they like. Putting everything in each message is a waste, right up until you need to forward it to...
  42. S

    Something Random

    When I refer to television I actually just mean episodic shows in a 20 or 40 minute format. I haven't really watched old-school television with radio waves and commercials and everything in almost 10 years.
  43. S

    Something Random

    It just occurred to me that television would be vastly improved by just taking all the proliferating super-series like CSI and Stargate, and swapping all the subtitles around so you end up with Stargate Miami and CSI Atlantis. ...Well, somewhat improved...
  44. S

    dSLR thread

    In that price range, for that purpose, those would be the 2 I'd look at... Or they would have been had I known about the AFS 50mm. My sister has my old D40x and really needs one of those 2 lenses, or something similar.
  45. S

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    Got my copy of Brink today, and as a special bonus for not only buying the game (instead of pirating it) but even going so far as to pre-order it, I don't get to actually play it until tomorrow... Apparently major games publishers are now required by law to be arseholes to their customers...
  46. S

    Your home Stereo/sound system/s? What did you buy, how much, and why did you buy it?

    I have an Onkyo SR-606 which I got because it was the cheapest receiver I could find with all the features I wanted and they seemed to have a reputation, here and elsewhere, of making pretty reasonable kit. I have a set of Mordaunt-Short Premiere speakers hooked up to it because that's what...
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    Sandy Bridge problems

    In this case it has a name I kind of hope it doesn't live up to...
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    Sandy Bridge problems

    I have a Noctua NH-C14 on my 2500K. It's pretty much silent (Although I also have an ATI 5850, so I guess silence is relative) and keeps things much cooler than the stock heat sink. The only problem I had with it was that in the UK, I only had one vaguely reasonable choice when it came to...
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    Email Group Handling

    If people are willing to link their current email to a Google account (Like you'd use for Google checkout or an Android phone) then you could use Google Groups.
  50. S

    Best movie you've seen

    O.K so it wasn't all references, but all the stuff with Shield added nothing to the story and took up a surprising amount of time given the length of the film. All just to point out that Thor will be in the Avengers film, which they said at the end of the credits anyway for the truly dense. (And...