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  1. S

    Something Random

    O.K Time, I'm not even really proposing anything here just pointing to a problem... As far as the section of my post you quoted it pretty much just a statement of fact. Children of two parents with disabilities caused by genetic abnormalities are often born with severe multiple physical and...
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    Best movie you've seen

    All through the Pirates of the Caribbean movies I was thinking that Lucas film need to make a Monkey Island movie... I mean the Pirates were pretty good for 3 movies based on a lame ride, a Monkey Island film could be great if it was done well...
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    Best Ingredient for Single Topping Pizza

    The strangest pizza I've come across was in Japan... Those people really know how to mess with cuisine, combos like squid and broccoli with beans and some vegetable that looks/feels/tastes like a pencil eraser. Shrimp I can deal with on a pizza, not my thing but it makes some sense... Beans...
  4. S

    Something Random

    In Australia at least I think this line of thinking would be a good first step. We have a large number of people on the dole or government disability pensions who get more money based on the number of dependants they support. A lot of these people just keep having babies because they get more...
  5. S

    Something Random

    It kinda spoils it if you have to say...
  6. S

    Something Random

    I think if we make the mistake of anthropomorphising nature then we run the risk of entirely misconstruing what she's trying to tell us...
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    Best Ingredient for Single Topping Pizza

    The only pizzerias near me are Pizza Hut and Pizza Express. Pizza Hut is like £7-12 for a pizza and I don't know how much Pizza Express is but I doubt it's any less, either way compared to $5-7AUD which I'm used to paying for ultra-processed chain pizza it's a little steep unless you're really...
  8. S

    Something Random

    I'll go with JTR here WTF... Ddrudeing, where do you even get a concept like happy enough from? Life is a series of moments which are good bad or neutral. Death is nothing. If your goal, like mine, is to enjoy as much of life as possible then it doesn't really matter how shitty it gets, the...
  9. S

    Something Random

    I think the why at the end is pretty easy... The answer is, or should be, because I think I'll enjoy it... I'll feel good having done all of those things and I'll have fun doing them. I don't think there is anything hollow in that. Surely that life almost certainly doesn't really have an...
  10. S

    How long is patience a reasonable virtue? (HDD regenerator)

    Just do a full format and only use the drive with the understanding that you can't trust it further than if you'd just thrown it (assuming you have any uses that will bear that assumption, like say take some files along to work for a co-worker where it doesn't matter if they have to wait a day...
  11. S


    Sure you can have a really healthy vegan diet. But you can have an equally healthy balanced diet including a nice steak every once in a while (or several times a week if you can afford it). Personally I think it's probably a lot more effort to have a healthy vegan diet than it is to have a...
  12. S

    VoIP woes: Troubleshooting?

    Well yes, but I mean to an unusually spectacular degree. A good example would be neighbourhood cable in Ballarat where the bandwidth was so badly over sold that they dropped up to 20% of all UDP packets at some times and where getting up to 1/3rd of your peak bandwidth between midnight and 7am...
  13. S


    They certainly deserve a little more publicity than they're getting right now. Last I heard governments (and perhaps more importantly the media) have not declared war on fundamentalist Christian bullshit so there is a level of hypocrisy there that needs addressing... Besides Muslim terrorists...
  14. S

    Best movie you've seen

    I thought the new POTC was a little mixed in that it has a distinctly non-Disney gritty feel at times (not like really gritty, but compared to most Disney crap), e.g. the movie opens to a mass hanging of disidents, and yet a lot of the fight scenes seems to try to stay very light (more...
  15. S

    Jumbo Frames?

    If the server is also the networks NAT router and the file server then life becomes much easier. Since it's already everyone's default gateway you just add a routing rule for each network (probably automatically added actually). Sharing stuff from one network to the other should be fine it's...
  16. S

    VoIP woes: Troubleshooting?

    If you have QOS then the ISP isn't as important since the tightest bottleneck will likely be between you and your ISP. Unless your ISP is overselling bandwidth to a spectacular degree. In this case your screwed and need to find a better ISP.
  17. S

    Something Random

    If you could find a light, low power screen, some appropriate batteries, a small wireless/Ethernet bridge device and some gaffer tape you could probably make your own reasonably hand held option...
  18. S


    Sure, when your preparing beef you start with a steer... But when your making beef you start, as ddrueding pointed out, with a cow...
  19. S

    Bluetooth regular phone adaptor?

    If your sitting in front of a PC anyway a soft-phone and a cheap USB BT adaptor would be the cheapest solution. If your using a SIP proxy/registrar to route the call just register both the phone and the soft phone with the same ID on the registrar . Both should receive the call and the first...
  20. S

    VoIP woes: Troubleshooting?

    My understanding is that "trying to convince" would be more accurate than "forcing".
  21. S

    Fun Challenge

    Well Udaman you make a good point... Finding a cheap case you can stand to look at is a lot easier once you've gouged out your own eyes...
  22. S

    How porn is wrecking relationships

    I didn't read all of the article but the phrase "Correlation is not causality." seems relevant. I have no doubt that there is a correlation between guys looking at porn and the breakdown of relationships, that makes perfect sense to me. I just don't really see that there was any evidence that...
  23. S

    VoIP woes: Troubleshooting?

    You could try re-prioritising your voip codecs so that a lower bandwidth codec comes higher up the list (for G7xx codecs the higher the xx the lower the bandwidth and more expensive in terms of processing, except G729a which is cheaper than G729 with the same bandwidth) I'm not sure about what...
  24. S

    Fun Challenge

    You could shave the $60 off by going with a cheaper Foxconn case (300watt, kinda ugly for $27 with some sort of at the checkout rebate deal)... Well almost, you'd get it under $210 doing that and bringing the optical back to a cd burner would get it to near enough $200...
  25. S

    Fun Challenge

    An OLPC machine seems like the simplest solution... I guess you'd need to go second hand for some parts (like monitor) otherwise... If your just talking about the box then you can build a surprisingly competent machine for that much...
  26. S

    Wireless Router & cards

    My parents Linksys router died the other day... I don't remember what model it was but it wasn't a WRT54G... Still dead is dead and spending almost 3 hours on the phone helping them to configure voip on the replacement router only to have it work only intermittently was painful... I generally...
  27. S

    Inkjet that doesn't suck?

    My parents have a monochrome laser and print photos at... Wherever prints photos cheap near them... Works well for them and it's cheaper per print than doing your own even if you don't end up with a clogged nozzle half way through a cartridge... I just don't print anything... It works great.
  28. S

    2.5" SATA Enclosure

    It's more dependant on your USB ports than the drive in my experience. Some computers they work fine with just one other PCs you need to use a second one to get the same drive to spin up.
  29. S

    Fun with Monkeys and Windows

    Hmm the name of the thread kinda threw me and I havn't looked at it before but this sounds exactly like a problem I had with my last Nforce3 board (First too, no prizes for guessing why). Everything goes along find until you try to do any sort of semi-heavy network job (For me it was copying...
  30. S

    RAM price : free falling without parachute.

    I'm guessing you've already considered this but could it be the stock voltage for those DIMMS being too high that's causing the problem? I know the OC-Z memory I got for my Core2 system expects a voltage .3v higher than the stock, but I only know because I checked their web site, none of the...
  31. S

    42" HDTV recomendations?

    My experience with my 40" 720P lcd is that DVI->HDMI is terrible for the gui... I'm not sure how it goes for video but 720P on a 768 native vertical resolution screen is physically painful. The analog connector is far, far superior. Whatever you get make sure you use the native resolution of...
  32. S

    Bible Thread

    Random thought: The term blissfully ignorant really doesn't sound scary at all until you run into someone who actually derives happyness from thier own ignorance, and encourages others to do the same...
  33. S

    My new system

    The HD2900XT doesn't look as good as I'd hoped but with the new drivers that aren't quite out yet it seems to be poking arround 8800GTX speeds at 8800GTS prices, and adding a second one makes massively more difference than does a second Nvidia card (Not that I'm all that likely to do that)...
  34. S

    My new system

    I'm hitting an FSB wall at just under 320Mhz with my DS4 and e4300. I'm guessing it's the northbridge overheating since it doesn't seem to matter if I underclock the CPU and RAM. I think I'll have to remount the northbridge sink and try out a Gemini II, I can get one from some German place for...
  35. S

    Something Random

    I accidentally bought a pack of that stuff once thinking it was spearmint (Didn't read the pack, just went by the colour)... Never made that mistake again...
  36. S

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    Just got preorder pack for ET: Quakewars. Nothing overly exciting in there (I just get to choose my online ID early) but I figured with the ammount I played the original Enemy Teritory I should probably support this effort, hopefully this one will be just as good, or better since this time there...
  37. S

    Bible Thread

    I think the first part is a joke, the cartoons seem likely to be legit I've seen near identical stuff crop up on legit fundie sites.
  38. S

    Replace HSF or new gfx card?

    You might have trouble finding a fan exactly the same as the one on there but I have no doubt you could find something that moves similar or more air that was roughly the same size. Lets face it it's a heat sink, and by the looks it's one of those semi-metalic plastic jobs, you shouldn't have...
  39. S

    Replace HSF or new gfx card?

    Looks like a job for a 40mm fan (Sunon or SilenX make pretty good ones that won't die too quickly) and some screws or hot glue. ...Maybe even a quieter 60mm fan if your really handy with the hot glue... A standard 2 push pin chipset HSF would probably fit on thier fine as well but if the bit...
  40. S

    more than 10 connections

    Well don't you only need one person to set it up? A Linux distro with Samba installed doesn't exactly need a lot of maintainance. I've never had a system doing just that crash or have performance problems (Well one time but I knocket the NIC out whilst it was running so it get's a pass for...
  41. S

    4 Sticks of RAM

    I'm fairly cirtain that DFI Lanparty boards slow the RAM by default for 4 sticks but allow you to over-ride that setting if your confident that it will work (or just want to see). But also what everyone else said, if you'll use the RAM then it'll be faster to have it anyway.
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    I find it very hard to feel bad about pirating Nero. At any one time I probably have only one or two machines in a state ready to burn things. At the same time I probably have 5+ legit copies of Nero express. So your not actually allowed to "combine" licences in any legal sense, but it's better...
  43. S

    LG L245WP : 1920x1200 and HDMI for the mass.

    Is it just me or is HDMI actually not all that useful? My TV has HDMI but because the native resolution is 1320x768 or something instead of 720P if I try to use the HDMI connection instead of the analog VGA plug the quality is terrible. I imagine 1080P would look just as bad on this monitor for...
  44. S

    Hard Drive Enclosures: well built and reasonably priced?

    I also use a Vantec fanless aluminum enclosure (Also with a Samsung drive), it's my second (My first is in Australia). The drive in the first one eventually died (well a bit, a couple of errors) after being taken to work in a backpack for the best part of a year. Well that and it wasn't exactly...
  45. S

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    No you can play against the Wii. It's actually kind of cool in a lot of ways you have the remote in one hand and the nunchuk in the other and you can do a straight punch, upercut, hook or whatever and actually aim it. Unfortunately you can't aim very well and you often get a backswing...
  46. S

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    I managed to be the last or second last person in Cardiff to get a Wii on launch day (pre-ordered a couple of months ahead). Wii tennis definately works up a sweat but most of the other Wii sports games just hurt various joints after a while, with the exception of boxing which is energetic...
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    Video Cards 2007

    The HD 2900XT still looks like a good card, not top of the line... But solid, and somewhat reasonably priced... And available in 2 weeks...
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    Video Cards 2007

    The various "leaked" benchmarks I've seen tend to indicate that the HD 2900XT will be noticeably faster than the 8800GTS for much the same price. I've not seen anything for the HD 2900XTX but it would have to much faster than the 8800GTX or a fair bit cheaper for me to consider it (especially...
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    Video Cards 2007

    I have a Razer Baracuda sound card, I haven't actually tried it out yet (The sound card was of course the first part of my new PC to arrive, the RAM the last) but from all the reviews I've seen it's aparently identical to the Auzentech X-Meridian with a couple of the less used features removed...
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    Least awful vomit box

    Of all the pre-fab boxes I've used IBMs (Lenovo now I guess) were probably the least objectionable. They were in no way impressive and the price was most definitely not right but they were solid enough boxes which isn't really something I would say of a Dell (I'm on to my second in less than 6...