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  1. F

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    Another attempt, this time with my sig turned on in my profile. :oops:
  2. F

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

  3. F

    Maxtor 120GB on Silicon Image Controller woes

    I've gone through a hundred or so of the K-Hypermedias without problems. They burn just fine at 32X and 48X. A friend has gone through several hundred and still buys them; he's never mentioned making any coasters at all. We get them at Microcenter when they're like $4 after rebate for 50...
  4. F

    Maxtor 120GB on Silicon Image Controller woes

    When it rains it pours!
  5. F

    AMD pricing

    There will be Athlon FX later on. It's the new Duron. With regard to the cheap/med/high-end systems, the CPU could be the same, but the cheap system will have integrated video with shared memory access and other cost-cutting measures while the med/high-end boxes can have GeForce 5x00s or...
  6. F

    Writing something else.

    I went to Rose-Hulman Institue of Technology (alternate name: Rosem-Hosem Inst. of Proctology). One guy in my dorm freshman year drank got so platered at a party in October that they had to repeatedly pour him into bed to try and get him down for the night. Later, they tacked his shirt, which...
  7. F

    New toys

    I'll chime in and say the MX700 is great for right-handers but not very friendly if you are left handed. It is heavier than a normal mouse but still easy enough to slide around. Works fine with other MX700s in the area and from decent distances w/o needing line of sight since it's RF and not...
  8. F

    New Broadband Speed in my Area

    Congrats on enterng the realm of mortgage ownership. It's good you're getting in while the rates are still low. The app process is definitely a PITA, but as long as you've a good credit rating you should breeze through it. Just bring a spare wrist or two to help when you have to sign all the...
  9. F

    Farewell... (deserves a separate post)

    Small in the sense of keeping the feeling of community. If we double, tripled, octupled, whatevered our membership but still had the same feeling, that'd be fine. But, as with SR other net forums, cities, and societies, with growth comes degradation and decay. - Why do large cities fight to...
  10. F

    New Broadband Speed in my Area

    I'm currently paying $65 a month for digital cable with HBO & STARS + 1.5Mb/256Kb internet through Comcast. That includes taxes, etc. I consistently get 240-270KB/s throughput. But that's with discounts for having both internet & TV, satellite dish 'buy-back', and and intro rate on the...
  11. F

    Farewell... (deserves a separate post)

    Prof - As others said, good luck in your future activities. I do hope you will lurk occasionally when you've some free time and watch the site to see if/how it evolves. - Fushigi (non-Monkey)
  12. F

    Which ASP book?

    Active Server Pages? Application Service Provider? - Fushigi
  13. F

    Site title

    The forums ARE our evolution. Personally, if we grow I hope it's not by much. I like the community we have as it feels like a group of online friends to complement my "real world" friends. The admin overhead that was done when the site was created was done with the idea of being able to...
  14. F

    What are your thoughts on automated cars?

    And you propose we use what as a means of transportation in their place? It has to be price-competitive, fairly reliable, safer (since that's the point of your message), capable of handling both short and long distances, and able to travel at a variety of speed upwards of 80MPH or it will fail...
  15. F

    What are your thoughts on automated cars?

    Similar things have happened around here. I think the last was an elderly driver who went up on the sidewalk and took out about a dozen people (although I could be mis-remembering the details). Merc, you remember that one? Happened around O'Hare, I think. A friend of mine says that once he...
  16. F

    Ever wanted to know the thoughts of car fans?

    You've a nick of Corvair but you drive a Diamante? :lol: Aren't Diamante's built in Oz? My 99 Mitsu Galant (built in Illinois) has 76K miles; one year newer but less than 1/2 your miles. I barely look under the hood but do follow recommended service intervals. I have pretty much everything...
  17. F

    Palm IIIe Excellent Condition $30 shipped USA $35 Anywhere

    According to the manual, all III series Palms use 2 AAA batteries. In my old IIIx a pair would last about 10 weeks. That's what I had until I replaced it with my Treo. I haven't junked the IIIx, but the screen is fairly worn so I don't think it'd be good to sell it off. I do have the...
  18. F


    Nothing. Same # of machines cranking away 24x7. I had noted above that the numbers for output seemed a bit high. Maybe there has been a correction of sorts or maybe the type of WU that generated the large number of points isn't being doled out right now. It does seem that for a while most of...
  19. F

    Gigabyte Radon 9200

  20. F

    Mobile Phones

    For those who access via a phone, unlimited usage is $15 on top of the cel phone bill. For laptop/whatever users, it's more like about $80/month. Go here, plop in your zip, and see what it says.
  21. F

    Worst movie you have paid money for...

    Dungeons and Dragons. So bad the group of us stood outside in the Chicago winter cold afterwards for well over an hour just to bash the thing.
  22. F

    "Alice Capone" ....

    My Himalayan seems to think it's a REALLY GOOD DRUG. She loves this. - Fushigi
  23. F

    Mobile Phones

    Of course, my experience was the exact opposite. I had AT&T some time ago and the phone kept wandering in and out of roaming while I was driving along Chicagoland highways. Yeah, I do get dropped calls on Sprint once in a while, but it's pretty rare. My Sprint experience has been much better...
  24. F

    Microsoft using Linux, in a way...

    I was at a Microsoft workshop (Securing Enterprise Platforms) this past week. At one point, on the floor in front of the mailroom was a box with a certain piece of fruit on it. - Fushigi
  25. F

    Gigabyte Radon 9200

    Instead of getting stupid with the checkbook, why not try out an entry Opteron with 1MB cache? - Fushigi
  26. F

    Wireless recommendation for Laptop

    Yuck. My cordless phone rotates through 100 channels per second within the spectrum for security. I would presume that is at least partly why it doesn't interfere with my .b WAP/router. - Fushigi
  27. F

    W2K Partition Problem

    What I had previously heard was that W2KSP3 supported the large drives and hadn't heard about the registry key issue you pointed out. I have now installed the Maxblast product from Maxtor which has enabled the large drive support. I guess I never realized I needed the registry key from your...
  28. F

    W2K Partition Problem

    Current conjecture is that W2KSP3 freaked when I finally wrote out enough data to pass the 127GB (or is it 137GB) barrier. I'm using EasyRecovery Pro from OnTrack to attempt to retrieve the data. It couldn't find/rebuild the partition table but does have a raw recovery mode where it examines...
  29. F

    Console gaming?

    A friend chip-modded his X-box. He streams video from his PC over Ethernet to the X-box and then to the TV. The X-box controller acts as the remote control. The software lets him select any divx/mpeg/whatever on the PC. Playback is quite smooth. Seems like overkill to me, but the interface...
  30. F

    It Professional's role in preventing piracy

    Actually, O'Hare is in Chicago .. there's this thin stretch of Chicago that goes out from the City proper along I90 to where ORD is and envelops it. Go here and click the tiny map on the left. But the proposed expansion will mean displacing the occupants of about 600 homes in neighboring...
  31. F

    It Professional's role in preventing piracy

    And they even mention offering tech support. That's funny. I remember the 'Don't copy that floppy' campaign but I don't recall this particular clip. It's too long for a PSA but too short to be an infomercial. Where was it shown? BTW, the airport shown in Flight Simulator in the clip, Meigs...
  32. F


    Heh. Thanks. Although it'll take a bit to pass Cliptin and Jake will be very tough to catch .. unless he actually does halt/slow his output as mentioned above. C'mon, Jake, let's make a run for it and see how high we can get. I see the team is now 53rd overall. :cry: - Fushigi
  33. F

    W2K Partition Problem

    Windows strikes again... The config: C: Boot: X-15, 8GB partition, FAT32 D: X-15, 9GB, FAT32 E: Optical no letter: (hidden/inactive/primary) WD160GB, 8GB, FAT32 (used to back up C:) F: WD160GB, 70GB, NTFS G: WD160GB, 70GB, NTFS Thursday night: Attach USB2 HD. W2KSP3 detects, loads stuff...
  34. F

    It Professional's role in preventing piracy

    The content producers, be they the software industry or the entertainment industry, charge what they feel they can get away with. This lines their pockets and 'entitles' them to complain about the piracy that goes on. Best of both worlds for them, really, since piracy doesn't eat THAT much...
  35. F

    [NEWS] - Opteron launches today.

    Keep in mind that Opterons are being positioned solely as a server chip. You'll see x86-64 apps in the channel this fall, I'm fairly certain. Several are ready now. Anyway, buy it as a Xeon alternative today that'll run even better tomorrow. On the desktop, yes, there's nothing current that...
  36. F


    Cool! Congrats! Not to trump you, but I just hit 25,000! I think we deserve a drink. :beer: - Fushigi
  37. F

    THG to sue AMDMB.COM?

    As read on AnandTech. Seems a bit tentative so far, but I can believe it. Will have to keep an eye on it and see if it's true or not. - Fushigi
  38. F

    Time for Heresey!

    Just a little BTW, if you support brand name servers and want trays for their SCSI disk racks, try IBM, HPC, Dell, Gateway, Sun and some IDE units. I haven't bought from them; I just happened across the link. - Fushigi
  39. F

    Formatting question #2

    Ghost's GDISK?
  40. F

    [NEWS] - Opteron launches today.

    Opterons announced today for 1-way and 8-way boxes. - Fushigi
  41. F

    Formatting Question

    PM V.8 does 160GB partitions. Anyway, on my 160GB drive I created 2 9GB partitions which I use to occasionally back up the partitions on my X-15. After hiding those, I split the remaining space into 2 71GB data partitions. So far, I...
  42. F

    It Professional's role in preventing piracy

    I think the relative saying is "It's a desert topping, AND a floor wax!"
  43. F

    What are your thoughts on automated cars?

    Along with the insurance folds, all taxi/livery and truck drivers would be unemployed. Ditto for many autobody shop workers and some of the jobs that people who repair roadway infrastructure hold. Can the automated systems cope with inclement weather? Snow storms, high winds, etc...
  44. F

    National Do-Not-Call List Open for Registration

    Again, I think a more graduated system of CAFE increase would be more effective from a public policy standpoint. I know the end you want -- I want it too -- but I think you're a bit too agressive to be realistic in achieving it. Up CAFE standards by 1 MPG for trucks and 2 for cars each year...
  45. F

    Windows 2000 SP4

    The link was there & bandwidth is cheap...
  46. F

    Budget upgrade challenge

    I thought I'd add a little to this. On my recommendation a friend picked up another NewEgg XP1700+ .. it's rated as a 2700+ and is running fine at that speed. He opted for the 'expensive' $9 Speeze, 1GB DDR400, and a Gigabyte GA-7N400-L1. Needless to say it rather trashes the Dell...
  47. F

    CHEAP scanner advice

    Had a 10% off coupon for BesyBuy so I picked up the Canon D5000F yesterday. I was gong to get an Epson but they don't carry them. Once I clear a flat surface I'll set it up. Not as sleek as the LiDE units but I'm hoping that with it's own power supply it'll have a faster response time (I'm...
  48. F

    Windows 2000 SP4

    I downloaded it but won't install it for a few weeks until it's had time to sit in the market. I prefer to let others find the first round of bugs for me. - Fushigi
  49. F

    media players, a questioneer.

    WMP9 or QuickTime depending on the file. BSPlayer on occasion as well. I refuse to install Real, which has caused some grief on occasion when I find a Real file I'd like to watch/listen to. For DVDs I don't typically use the PC unless I'm working a weekend babysitting an upgrade. Then it's...
  50. F

    National Do-Not-Call List Open for Registration

    Will county. :lol: There's a tiny little corner of Aurora in Will county; I'm there. I forgot to mention I refuse to declare a party when registering to vote. I was raised in a liberal household (my mother was chairperson of the Indiana NOW chapter) but find I do have a few conservative...