Search results

  1. blakerwry

    Marvel HyperDuo

    At that point, you're talking about basic caching and buffering functionality - something the OS already does in RAM. Rather than purchase a 64GB SSD for caching, 64GB of RAM might be a better choice. Realistically, the benefits of cache probably diminish greatly as the size is increased; that...
  2. blakerwry

    Rolling your own offsite internet based backup?

    I've ran into the same problem as you have with full disk encryption (basically key encryption) and haven't found a good solution w/ regards to automation. You either trust the system to have an unencrypted key or you don't. If you don't, then you have to manually enter a pass-phrase. If you...
  3. blakerwry

    USB Network Print Servers

    Probably not, but then it's also very easy to find wired and even wifi printers even in the relatively low end inkjet market.
  4. blakerwry

    SSDs - State of the Product?

    It would seem a parallel exists with magnetic storage as well. I don't think the technology is necessarily at fault, but rather the manufacturers' (as well as our own) acceptance of performance, price, and reliability for a given product.
  5. blakerwry

    question Multiple servers booting from SAS

    Basically, SAS is a disk to host interface. It does not have provisions for multiple hosts talking to a single disk. You might be able to use a single box to house your disks for use by multiple external servers, but that single box would simply be a set of separate physical backplanes and...
  6. blakerwry

    Taking ownership of files

    I've used a few command line tools in the past to script ownership changes... basically a windows version of chown. something like these would probably work:
  7. blakerwry

    question RAID1, removing 1 drive, data readable from removed drive?

    Apparently there's a new "standardized" way of writing RAID metadata to the hard drives - DDF. Hopefully manufacturers will pick up on it and migrating arrays between controllers, and esp manufacturers will become easier. Looks like LSI supports it, not sure who else. Regarding disaster...
  8. blakerwry

    USB Network Print Servers

    I've used several parallel port based Intel and HP JetDirect print servers without issue. Common advice is to use a printer with its own CPU - basically any laser with PS support. I've heard that inkjets commonly don't work, but maybe the print servers have gotten better in this regard, esp if...
  9. blakerwry

    question Storage for light video editing

    While I would expect encoding to be completely CPU bound, other tasks involved with video editing - such as decoding, clipping, mixing, etc - could easily be disk bound.
  10. blakerwry

    Windows Home Server / Home Server OS

    If I used WHS for this purpose I'd eventually need it to do both. Unfortunately, win2k would also be useful, but I suppose that might be too much to ask for.
  11. blakerwry

    Windows Home Server / Home Server OS

    I see several mentions of using mixed storage sizes/technologies... isn't the same thing accomplished with JBOD (I think Windows calls it a span)? So the only thing we're losing is per file replication, at the benefit of a simpler, more reproducible and definable availability mechanism (block...
  12. blakerwry

    Windows Home Server / Home Server OS

    I thought softRAID was the answer? That way MS only has to worry about 1 advanced storage method - the softRAID already included in their server line was going to be available instead of the odd file system based "device extender" spanning that was part of WHS1. WHS2 is based on server 2008...
  13. blakerwry


    The logitech quickcam pro series has been pretty good for several years. Good resolution and clarity at low light compared to other web cams I've seen.
  14. blakerwry

    Bay Multi Device

    I'm pretty happy with the one that came with my Dell Dimension... I've used the CF, SD, xD, USB, and headphone/mic connections (also has a few other ports like MMC and memory stick). The SD and USB connections get the biggest workout (daily). I've never had a problem, which is impressive because...
  15. blakerwry

    Quiet server

    I'm not seeing that stark of a difference. I spec'd a T110 with an i5 (Xeon X3430), 4GB RAM, 2x 250GB OS for $900. Add your own 2TB hard drives through newegg and your hardware costs are < $1200. For comparison, my newegg cart with similar performing desktop class components is $700, add the...
  16. blakerwry

    Quiet server

    I'll be happy to plug Dell here. They make some decent tower servers (or servers that can be either racked or towered). All of their servers for the last 5 or more years have had fans that spin down appropriately to match ambient/system temperature needs. I wouldn't consider these up to the...
  17. blakerwry

    Microsoft security vs. Avast?

    I've seen code like that inserted into PHP scripts on several client servers that we've been asked to look at. Primary method if infection seemed to be FTP with standard/common usernames and blank or easily guessed passwords. SSH is also a possible culprit. I also see lots of attempts against...
  18. blakerwry

    Win 7 network problem

    On the supernetting bit, 192.168.x.x is in the class C range. This only means that it falls within to Since the concept of subnet masks and specifically variable length subnet masks, one has been able to supernet these networks into larger ones without problems. As...
  19. blakerwry

    Win 7 network problem

    This was a Windows XP SP1 security improvement where the firewall came with a few different options that had better (more restrictive) defaults. The File and Printer Sharing exception in the firewall by default has a scope (and I believe it to be hidden) that limits access to either the current...
  20. blakerwry

    Win 7 network problem

    The two most common problems I see in Windows networking are naming and addressing. 1) Naming: For discovery to work as expected, all computers should be on the same workgroup 2) Addressing: Microsoft, in an attempt to prevent the spread of viruses, added additional checks to prevent...
  21. blakerwry

    Borked Internet Connection

    Me thinks the netsh commands in XP and newer are sufficient. I haven't used the winsock fix programs since win2k/9x.
  22. blakerwry

    Affordable graphics cards

    I think it was pointed out somewhere else, but typically no. Currently, ATi cards with eyefinity can push 3 (or more) monitors on a single card. A requirement for eyefinity seems to be displayport. Not sure why implementing the card with HDMI would mean giving up eyefinity, but that's how...
  23. blakerwry

    Microsoft security vs. Avast?

    They both work, but Avast (free) has a great many more options, and as Merc pointed out a smaller footprint. I've found MS security essentials to slow down older single core machines and I wouldn't even install it on something with under 1GB RAM. The plus side of MS is that it does not require...
  24. blakerwry

    Affordable graphics cards

    I would like to see more of these 5450 and other low end cards in a PCIe 1x configuration. This would open the cards up to additional markets (servers, multi monitor, etc) and shouldn't hamper the performance. I'm looking at upgrading a PC that currently drives 6 flat screens (2D graphs) and...
  25. blakerwry

    Mini RC indoor Helicopters

    I've had a couple, bought from the mall, they were fun. One still works. It got me interested in RC planes... a more expensive hobby.
  26. blakerwry

    Affordable graphics cards

    That's kind of sad, when I bought my 4670 there were several fanless options. Now HIS is the only fanless option left on NewEgg. I've had a couple HD5450's come past me. I would have no problem using them over an IGP. They're not going to provide a noticeably faster desktop experience, but they...
  27. blakerwry

    Vista hangs on shutdown/restart

    Dell often provides older versions of files if you click on the driver/software download and look for the 'older versions' link. Perhaps try a different Dell version or look for a version provided by someone else (Microsoft, the original manuf, or perhaps a different PC vendor)
  28. blakerwry

    Dell OEM ISO

    Do you still need these? I seem to have lost my official SP3 disc, but I've used nlite in the past to update my SP2 discs before.
  29. blakerwry

    8 x 1.5TB + Perc 6i + RAID-6 = Faster Storage

    The cards also have a speaker which should sound. However, this appears to be disabled in the firmware on Dell PERCs. I'm not sure if it's disabled in software only or if the speaker is also physically removed. If it's a software only setting you could reflash to the LSI firmware. Our LSI...
  30. blakerwry

    Areca ARC 11xx + SF-1200 or X25m

    I'm running a PERC4 (LSI Logic MegaRAID 320-2) in a standard PCI slot. However, this is SCSI and not SAS/SATA. Good research though. One thing I will mention is that the 2 channel 3-ware cards seem to be inferior to the multichannel versions. I wouldn't even consider the 8xxx series of cards (I...
  31. blakerwry

    No thanks Google Fiber, we're good.

    I'm not sure how they plan to offer 1Gbps to multiple premises when the fastest Internet connection speeds most Tier1 providers offer is an OC48 (2.5Gbps) or GigE. Recently 10GigE has become an option, but I don't know how widely deployed it is. I also don't see why they'd have a problem...
  32. blakerwry

    little linux file system help

    Normally, Knoppix does a scan on boot and tries to mount all drives connected to the system. For working disks it's very convenient. Should work with LVM and just about any file sysyem out there. But I'm not sure how it would load the old LVs if the disk has since been repartitioned. I imagine...
  33. blakerwry

    little linux file system help

    I believe XenServer uses ext3 within LVM. If PhotoRec doesn't pan out for you, it looks like there are a few tools out there specifically intended for ext3 data recovery. I'd suggest googling for ext3 data recovery and try one or more of them.
  34. blakerwry

    Linux - monitoring processes

    you might also look at dstat - you can get it from rpmforge. I usually install dstat and htop right off. Htop as a slightly better version of top and dstat because it gives great statistics that most tools otherwise overlook, such as per process io usage. dstat has a number of plugins that can...
  35. blakerwry

    3ware 9750 problems

    I think the default mkfs settings should be fine. Usually the mount options (like noatime) make a larger performance impact. XFS has some pretty good defaults on both sides. One thing to be aware of with WD drives is that the model number is a conglomeration of the drive's interface, cache...
  36. blakerwry


    I was a logitech die hard until my sister purchased a microsoft wireless keyboard/mouse combo. Over the years, logitech stuff has gotten cheaper. You could feel that the parts were getting lighter, had more flex, worse feel, and loose tolerances. Using my sister's MS peripherals, you could...
  37. blakerwry

    Tracking down the time.

    DC's, like domain members, just use the w32time service for synchronization. By default, I believe the DC will use the hardware clock (may have changed in more recent versions of windows), but can be configured to use NTP as a source as well. You can find a wealth of information online about...
  38. blakerwry

    Running cat 6 cable

    That's a good bit of cable... I can identify what I believe is 12 guage romex (yellow), RG-6? (White), Twisted Pair/Cat5/6 (orange), RG-59? (Black).... what is the green? I assume I'm wrong on the white/black as well, one if which I would guess to actually be speaker wire....
  39. blakerwry

    Alternative to crappy software

    Found a neat site that can help you find new alternatives to an existing piece of software that doesn't quite meet your needs. For example, type in 'adobe reader' and receive a listing of pdf readers, including foxit.
  40. blakerwry

    SSDs - State of the Product?

    Doh! :oops: You hit the nail on the head. Mozy removes most of the human aspect of backups - any backup that relies on frequent human intervention is due to fail at one point or another. I'd tend to think any of the online backup solutions would be easier than a USB stick or external hard...
  41. blakerwry

    SSDs - State of the Product?

    Something like moby would probably work well for keeping data backed up for someone like this. If they are regularly at home or office (or some other stable location) WHS might work instead. Of course, you're still needing someone local to diagnose/fix the problem if there's a hardware...
  42. blakerwry

    Running cat 6 cable

    One thing I learned during my last big cabling project was that you can connect phones (RJ-11) just fine to cat5/6 patch panels (RJ-45). So, if you were thinking of buying keystones or a separate patch panel for possible phone use, don't bother. Just use the same cable, keystones, and patch...
  43. blakerwry

    Running cat 6 cable

    Just to throw this out there - the impact tools can actually damage 110 style keystones. There are cheap, non-impact 110 style tools that are easier on the keystones and patch panels. My vote is to use the included tool and a pair of sharp scissors. If you feel like buying a tool, something...
  44. blakerwry

    Running cat 6 cable

    Handy, you didn't mention what kind of wiring you already have installed in the house. I moved into a home built ~ 5 years ago and found that I already had cat5 phone wiring ran as home runs from each room to a central location. Since I don't use a home phone, I converted this to ethernet. If...
  45. blakerwry

    Asterisk (phone system)

    You can usually find used Aastra's on ebay. They're pretty much bullet proof and work well with headsets - we stick with Plantronics headsets. We've looked at Asterisk before, but it didn't provide the monitoring/reporting capabilities we needed. Plus, it looked like we'd have to write a...
  46. blakerwry

    What's the verdict on Windows 7?

    I have noticed a few pauses and strange activity on Win7 using my laptop (StudioXPS 1640). These are not present on my Desktop (Inspiron 580). I found out they were due to Microsoft Security Essentials (AV software) doing updates, or Microsoft Updates installing in the background. Avast 5 is...
  47. blakerwry

    Whither the JEDEC Standard Memory?

    Fair enough. The promise of saving a few bucks has lead many a man to make one choice over another. I, personally, do not play around with memory anymore. My first 3 memory purchases burned me. Then I started buying Crucial and Kingston and haven't had a problem*. I once tried buffalo (after...
  48. blakerwry

    dSLR thread

    I can clearly see your red Canon EOS strap in the reflection. Nice!
  49. blakerwry

    dSLR thread

    A buddy showed me that you can achieve similar results by removing the lens and reversing its orientation to the camera.... like looking through a telescope backwards. I've got some neat shots that way - (direct from camera) Though it's very tedious...
  50. blakerwry

    Whither the JEDEC Standard Memory?

    Keep in mind those links were for 2 matching 4GB sticks.... the sticks can be purchased individually for ~ $150 a pop. By my math that's a $50 a stick premium at best. Why by G.Skill or OCZ "guaranteed" overclock sticks when you can buy RAM that just works.