Mercutio said:
...No note on a video-in model. Hopefully Matrox will continue its pro video-editing line and perhaps release another rainbow-runner for enthusiasts.
Well, I'm 98.9% sure that Matrox will never again mess with Rainbow Runner type options (entry-level TV video I/O, recording via snap-on daughter card).
On the other hand, their semi-pro / pro video efforts -- with the X.10, X.100, et cetera -- are doing very well to say the least. That's definitely not going away. Some have even said that their successes in semi-pro / pro video during the past year or two have caused them to lose focus of their standard video card efforts. Fortunately, they've come back and updated their 2-D line of graphics adaptors using what is basically a video processor architected around a stripped-down Parhelia core. The result is the P- series graphics adaptors.