Bozo said:
The SR database doesn't seem to be much help unless I'm missing something. How do you decipher the numbers?
Let's see, SR database . . . you take the numbers given to you, find the coordinates that relate to it in the Zodiac. If you line up with Canis Major, then you flip to the third Tarot card, if it symoblizes and corresponds with the alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, the the drive is a no-go. If your original coordinates line up with Canis Minor, then you flip the seventh Tarot card. If it is the weeping joker, then roll your set of dice. If you get seven or eleven, then buy drive quickly at HypedupMicro. After this point the instructions get blurry, it may have been the fourth Glenmorangie and all that gazing into the sky stuff. Oh yeah, one side note, if it is a Jubilee year, then 60GXP drives are safe to buy because they've been released from slavery.