Act is just about the biggest piece of shit I've dealt with in the last five years. The was a good version, apparently, but it was released years ago, before it was owned by Symantec or... whoever owns it now.
The current version runs visibly slower on a 3.8GHz P4 than the one from two releases ago did on a P3/900.
I have a seriously rich client who was sold Act as a solution to all his business needs eight or nine years ago, who has never, ever gotten it to work the way it's supposed to. His support runs out, he pays for a new incident. They tell him it's his internet connection, he switches providers, messes with router settings... gets a new computer when they tell him Windows is messed up... Yeah, I'm frustrated that I have to deal with this idiot, but every software support horror story, they've done to this guy. I actually feel bad for him.
I'd suggest moving to Goldmine or a web-based CRM if you really need Act's functionality in a program that actually works.