AMD: not the way to go for new system ?


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
Personally, since I'll never spent more than $300 for a processor, AMD all the way. To that amount of money I can get a much more potent Athlon processor than an Intel. And the overall system will also cost less.

If money wasn't the limit, FTTB Intel... but AMD again when Hammer starts to roll... :wink:


What is this storage?
Apr 15, 2002
But what about upgades in the future,

With the curent AMD it looks like the end of the road ??

Intel till 5-6 GHZ + ?

I have a three year old BH-6 that started out 333 Celeron --> went to 600Pent III --> now final 1.4 GHZ Pent III based Celery, not bad for the old timer.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
There will no doubt be a continuing series of Athlons come out, even after the Opteron debuts, and they will more than likely fit into existing Socket A main boards. We don't know this for certain, of course, but we can make a reasonably confident prediction based on past history that the AMD parts will maintain their currency for longer.

There are two factors to consider here:

(i) The relative age of the platforms. Here, the P4 is the winner: it's a good twelve months younger than the socketed Athlons, and it's reasonable to assume that the P4 will go on longer than the K7.

(ii) The track record of the manufacturers. AMD's is pretty good, Intel's is appalling. Consider the number of platform changes the two firms have inflicted on us since Socket 7:


Socket 7 (K5, K6 Classic)
Super 7 (K6-2, K6-III)
Slot A (Athlon Classic)
Socket A (Thunderbird, Duron)
133MHz FSB Socket A ("C" model Thunderbird, Athlon XP)
Total: 5

Socket 7 (Pentium, Pentium MMX)
Slot 1 (Pentium II, Celeron)
100MHz Slot 1 (P-II 350 and up)
Socket 370 (Celeron A)
133MHz Socket 370 (Pentium III)
133MHz Socket 370 again (Pentium III final versions)
Socket 423 (Pentium 4)
Socket 478 (Pentium 4)
533MHz Socket 478 (Pentium 4)
Total: 9

Intel, in other words, have almost twice as bad a record as AMD have. You were very lucky with your BX, SYROB. I'd as soon trust George W Bush to cancel defence spending and increase welfare as trust Intel to preserve my motherboard investment. Yes, they have the newer platform, but it's odds-on that Socket A will outlast it. It is ageing, but it has already outlasted no less than four Intel platforms. And in any case, you spend roughly half to two-thirds as much to buy an Athlon as you do to buy a P4 - so even if you guess wrong and the Intel platform lasts longer, you can afford to buy another board and still be no worse off.

And you can be absolutely certain that two long-lasting AMD platforms will outlast one short-lived Intel one.


Jan 13, 2002
I would choose AMD at this point in time. In the past I was Intel until I built my current Althon system. I would keep in consideration how long you would consider keeping your system as a useful life.

Now I realize this plays a part in how much you can upgrade it, but there comes that point where upgrading doesn't make as much sense as building a new machine. Some of the biggest changes reflect around memory and chipset that the issue in hand isn't the CPU necessarily.

My Pentium II BX based system is still running with a 350MHz chip right now. When I look at what it would cost to upgrade the CPU, I see that for a few dollars more, I can almost build a new setup. The useful life of this system has not entirely ended, but from a cost perspective, do I really want to invest in a system that is on the edge of old school?


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
The only reason I don't know if I would buy an Athlon again is how damn hot it runs. I had to put one of them loud ass CPU fans on there and another case fan, and it still runs hotter than my old PIII. Other than that it works great.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
timwhit said:
The only reason I don't know if I would buy an Athlon again is how damn hot it runs. I had to put one of them loud ass CPU fans on there and another case fan, and it still runs hotter than my old PIII. Other than that it works great.
Why you care? Do you live in such a small room that it heats up your enviroment? :p

Jokes apart, my Athlon (with a standard GlobalWin 4K RPM fan) runs a (not so) healthy 70º in the sunny days here in Rome. Why should I care?

It will die after I change it...


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
Prof.Wizard said:

not ºF you American nutties... :wink:
What's so sensible about having water freeze at 0 degrees and boil at a 100 degrees? It's much easier to stick a thermometer up a horses ass and call that 100 degrees don't you think?


Learning Storage Performance
Apr 2, 2002
As far as Fahrenheit thermometer gradients go, he marked of 0ºF as simply the coldest (lowest point on his thermometer) that he had experienced there in Bavaria over the 2 or 3 year period he was calibrating his thermometer. 100ºF was simply the hottest (highest point on his thermometer). Yep, Fahrenheit is something that should've been tossed into the garbage bin a long time ago.

Celsius is much more logical, since it is based upon the characteristics of water at sea level atmospheric pressure. 0ºC = freeze point, 100ºC = boiling point; 1 cubic centimeter (1cc) of water weighs 1 gram, the amount of energy it takes to raise 1cc of water 1 degree Celsius is 1 calorie.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
My F@H Athlon farm warms the workshop up enough that there has only been one day this week we have bothered switching the reverse cycle A/C on to heat the place. :) No joke!

I won't be crunching in summer. :(


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
The THG article is the usual excrement we have unfortunately come to expect. They even claim sole credit for AMD boards now reading the onchip thermal diode!

A quick scan of their numbers only threw up two tests where an Athlon did not beat the equivalent Pentium 4 (Quake and the infamous Content Creation).

And remember that no-one still uses RDRAM. The P4 is not so shiny with single channel DDR.

BTW, SFAIK a Thoroughbred will not use any more power than an equivalent Northwood, and I would expect the P4 to use considerably more under heavy load. People seem to be making the mistake of comparing the K7 with the later P3.

NRG = mc²

Storage is cool
Jan 15, 2002
Celsius is much more logical, since it is based upon the characteristics of water at sea level atmospheric pressure. 0ºC = freeze point, 100ºC = boiling point; 1 cubic centimeter (1cc) of water weighs 1 gram, the amount of energy it takes to raise 1cc of water 1 degree Celsius is 1 calorie.

Couldn't have said it better.