That phone is basically an Evo 3D. It has a different camera from the Evo 4G (the phone that timwhit, Will Rickards and I all have), slightly better screen resolution and two cores rather than one. I don't have much problem with the on screen keyboard on my phone.
On the Evo 4G, the microSD slot is located underneath the battery.
HTC has its own UI overlay called Sense. I like Sense much better than Samsung's overlay (Touchwiz?), but they're both resource hogs over and above stock Android.
Phones with larger displays need commensurately larger batteries. If you're having a hard time keeping an Android phone with a smaller screen charged throughout a day now, the bigger screen will not be doing you any favors in that department.
I'm also going to throw this out there: Windows Mobile is pretty slick. If you aren't married to Android, those devices really do deserve a look as well.