Career Opportunities in Tax-Free Dubai...

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What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
Why this thread still haven't been deleted as it is obviously a kind of SPAM?

People really want to go kiss the Emir arse (the Spammer is British) in a country ignoring human rights and democracy? It's supposed to be a job for storage experts but it's certainly more related to sanitation (shining the rear of your arab "owners") and the only storage involved is your tongue between your boss' buttocks.

If someone wants the high earnings and remote locations, companies like Xstrata are desperately looking for new people and the salary is over 100K. Work 4 weeks, come back 2 weeks. And you are not living in a country where monarchs rules.

So opportunity of a lifetime my ass. Please lock this thread and let it be forgotten.

Oh my god, I cannot believe that there are people who are capable of displaying such ignorance publicly. Before you start opening that fountain of faeces under your nose you really should work out if you are capable of holding down a normal conversation. Your ignorance is of a no holds barred nature and I can only hope that any potential employers are able to identify you and rule you out before they start wasting any time. Now I am going to spend a few minutes responding to the genuine queries this thread has raised.


What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
Some of us are aware of the fantastic work, and situation in Dubai. I've been lucky enough to converse with Saeed, at, and, his character, and the progressive nature of Dubai is quite clear:

However, I'm just a novice with storage solutions, and, much as I would like to represent otherwise, my law degree, teaching, sales, and management experience is not in the area you desire.

I wish you the best, and thank you for taking the time to
post this once in a lifetime chance.


Gregory Santilli

Gregory, thank you for the positive response and please feel free to contact me at any time. Even though there has been some skepticism as to the validity of the opportunity I brought to this forum I am happy to say that I have had a number of quality candidates who we have presented to my clients. Best of luck in the future.



What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
Why this thread still haven't been deleted as it is obviously a kind of SPAM?

People really want to go kiss the Emir arse (the Spammer is British) in a country ignoring human rights and democracy? It's supposed to be a job for storage experts but it's certainly more related to sanitation (shining the rear of your arab "owners") and the only storage involved is your tongue between your boss' buttocks.

If someone wants the high earnings and remote locations, companies like Xstrata are desperately looking for new people and the salary is over 100K. Work 4 weeks, come back 2 weeks. And you are not living in a country where monarchs rules.

So opportunity of a lifetime my ass. Please lock this thread and let it be forgotten.

Once again your claims go completely unsupported and unjustified. In Western Europe they have a stereotype of North AMericans and Canadians who basically are incapable of comprehending any culture that is not the same as theirs. I am educated enough to realise that is not the case but you do nothing to prove them wrong.


What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
Mark, bullshit. You think someone will offer you a 180K$ job in a forum where he never set foot before? Travel must be easy, just carry you with the handle you have in the back.

Whatever, do as you wish.

who offered anybody a job?


What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
Because it is not spam if it is wanted and since people are responding positively in the thread, ...

Your problem isn't that it is spam, but rather, you responded scarcasticly and he responded appropiately. Rather than trying to take him down, would it not show more balls by simply accepting what you had comming to you.

If you really had a spam issue with the post, then your correct response would have been not to reply, in the first place, but to report it as spam using the red triange on the bottom left of every post.



What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
ok I have made enough responses to this thread. I've had a lot of calls as a result of it. The reason I trawled the web to find forums like this is becuase I am looking for a specialised skillset. I am not spamming and I am more than happy to discuss this in person with anyone who wants to. Please contact me through the details on post 1 on this thread. THanks for your time people.


What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
I think I can spot the problem. Headhunter rercruiting blurb is actually indistinguishable from spam.

Mubs, what the hell is your problem? Cougtek's posts were absolutely spot on, yet you made a sustained personal attack. What's going on?

In case anyone's wondering, I've finished a contract and briefly have a life - hence the post. :flower:
time who administered your contract?


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Mubs, what the hell is your problem? Cougtek's posts were absolutely spot on, yet you made a sustained personal attack. What's going on?

I? I have a problem? I think you meant to refer to Coug.

DB has already answered on my behalf. Actually, I think you meant to address your post to Coug. It was he who made sustained personal attacks. He automatically assumed (because the opportunity is in Dubai) that the "company" was Indian. He must be referring to the recruiter's company, since the employer is a storage MNC. Assuimg that a "spammer" posting about a position in the Middle-East must be from an Indian company is being borderline racist.

And I truly found Coug's language and style extremely offensive. It appears he has a serious grudge against recruiters / Asians / Indians / the Middle-East.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
CougTek said:
I'm whiling to work for your Indian company

That's the only reference to "Indian" that he made. He did not malign India or its citizens.

In this, I naturally assumed that Coug was better-informed than some here, as he normally is. As it happens, the alleged headhunter appears to be a bit free with his definition of British - the company is a front for a joint venture between a Dubai company and an Indian company (headed by no less a personnage than Group Captain K Balasubramanian (retired)).

Mubs said:
I agree with Mark's second two paragraphs 100%.
Mark said:
Rather than trying to take him down, would it not show more balls by simply accepting what you had comming to you.

If you really had a spam issue with the post, then your correct response would have been not to reply, in the first place, but to report it as spam using the red triange on the bottom left of every post.
Mubs said:
You can make your points without being so offensive. And I am distressed with your attitude towards the East.

I am Indian. So am I a scumbag?
Mubs said:
I don't see how you can laugh away offensive remarks.

Offensive to who, exactly? Is this guy a friend of yours?

There are other Wikipedia references to Dubai:
It is common practice for employers in the UAE to retain employees' passports for the duration of the employment contract to prevent expatriate employees from changing jobs. This is an illegal practice, but it is almost never investigated, let alone punished by the government.

In March 2006 NPR reported that workers "typically live eight to a room, sending home a portion of their salary to their families, whom they don't see for years at a time." Others report that their salary has been withheld to pay back loans, making them little more than indentured servants.

In December 2005 the Indian consulate in Dubai submitted a report to the Government of India detailing labour problems faced by Indian expatriates in the emirate. The report highlighted delayed payment of wages, substitution of employment contracts, premature termination of services and excessive working hours as being some of the challenges faced by Indian workers in the city.
A 2004 HBO documentary accuses the UAE of illegally using child jockeys in camel racing, where they are subjected also to physical and sexual abuse. has documented similar allegations.
An action filed in the United States in September 2006 accuses Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Dubai's ruler, of abducting, trafficking and enslaving thousands of young children for camel races.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
This kind of stuff is pretty common in dealing with Eastern cultures, read Japan, Korea, and China. When we think the deal is over, the contract is written out, and signed, they think that's the time negotiation starts...

Cultural difference.

Dr G


What is this storage?
Aug 1, 2007
There are other Wikipedia references to Dubai:[/QUOTE]

And Wikipedia is always right about everything I suppose?

ANd yes, Teledata do have a 5% stake in Horizon International which was bought out from ITP Publishing at the end of last year. Lets look at another example of Indians owning a stake in a company....hmmmm.....WebEx for example....


Jan 13, 2002
I don't see this thread being productive any longer. If you would like to start a new thread that's fine, but this one isn't going anywhere meaningful.
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