Storage? I am Storage!
The horse that wants to run back to the barn is a usually a bad thing. 
Looking at something like this for the wife and I. Can't find a price online so I suspect I can't afford it.
Edit: Particularly considering we would each need a pair of Look Power Pedals so we could settle any argument over who is doing most of the work.![]()
I think the issue is that I'm not sure how much I have left as I ride, so the closer I get the less worried about reserve I become.
The ride today was nuts. I lead out the first ~15 miles of a 40 mile ride, all between 20-23mph. Didn't realize it, but when I looked behind, I had busted the peloton to pieces. Oops.
Had my first race today, Category 5 (beginners). Didn't go into it in the best shape; slightly bent crank and misbehaving bottom bracket and front derailleur. On top of that I was sunburnt, undernourished, tired, and hungover.
These guys were vicious, right out of the gate they were pushing hard. On the first climb my heart rate was hovering in the low 190s for several minutes. In the haze and tunnel vision that ensued I managed to cross-chain (big-big) and then drop the chain entirely. Got that resolved and was pushing hard to get back on the group when I went to take a sip of water. Didn't realize I was still in the 190s and when I stopped breathing to take a sip I blacked out. Came back still moving on the bike in a straight line. Called it at that point.
I need to get much better at this before next week.
Is that cadence pattern normal for you?
You hit 187 bpm cycling with your wife? Was she riding pillion or sitting on the handlebars?
Almost finished with the bike wall in the garage...
View attachment 501
That's pretty decent for someone who only rides weekly, and not for speed like me and Dave. Just for kicks I made a mental note to see where the 18 mile mark came up on last night's ride around midnight (much too hot here to ride during the day). I was there at 65:34. And at the 70 minute mark I only would have been 1.2 miles ahead of you. Of course, working against me was the heat, humidity, the fact that I didn't ride the day before (I'm always slower when I miss days), my rear airless tire (probably slows me down by 0.5 mph), and NYC streets. Even at midnight things get in your way. I hit 2 red lights I couldn't go through right away on account of cross traffic. Even with no cross traffic, I still need to slow enough at reds to see if the coast is clear. Same thing at stop signs. And some jackass ran a stop sign in an SUV when I was going 23 mph, forcing me to hit the brakes hard. All that probably takes 2-3 mph off my average speed. Anyway, even under ideal conditions I doubt I could do 18 miles in less than maybe 50 minutes. Most times it takes me 63 to 66 minutes, so by comparison you're not doing bad at all.I did 18 miles this morning in just under 70 minutes including cool down. Not too shabby for a guy on a dual suspension mountain bike with slicks if I say so myself.
Z1 - Endurance | 0-114 | 0:34 | 1% |
Z2 - Moderate | 114-151 | 10:56 | 12% |
Z3 - Tempo | 151-169 | 10:41 | 12% |
Z4 - Threshold | 169-188 | 18:14 | 20% |
Z5 - Anaerobic | 188+ | 52:26 | 56% |
Yes, a bit hard maybe.
I rode my mothers Crescent Tove last night (it has lights). The average speed wasn't great but it was a pretty good work out nevertheless.