Desktop Email clients (2024)


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
Hi all,
Just like to find out what email clients people are using/recommending these days. With Microsoft updating Windows 11 users to the ”new” outlook, which is imho is an extremely poor replacement for the older Mail app, need to migrate the kids systems to something better. My wife uses Thunderbird and is happy with it, but willing to try other applications as well.
The only requirement is that it works with outlook365/microsoft365 accounts (or what ever it’s called these days, basically any Microsoft account) and on Windows 11.
FYI some of the issues we’ve experienced: contacts can’t be added, edited or deleted. Email being sent multiple times. Random times not being able to access any email, simply restarting the app fixes it. emails being duplicated as drafts after they have been sent. Essentially a whole stack of basic functionality is just broken, and this is on multiple systems and different accounts, so doubtful it singular system related.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
eM Client is one I like. Thanks Merc for the initial suggestion a while back.

OE Classic is another I’ve used and enjoyed, but I can’t remember if it does O365. And I believe to use more than one account with it requires you buy it.

There’s also the aforementioned Thunderbird. Worth noting that you need an extension in order to use O365 with it — it’s not an included feature.

I think there hasn’t been much development in this space because most people find a webmail UI acceptable these days. Poor schmucks.


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
Thanks for the suggestions, and had a look at those options.
Both of those look really good, but decided to stick with Thunderbird as it what my wife has and is used to, so at least she can help the kids if they get stuck with something.
Thunderbird (current ESR) comes with all the support for email with Microsoft out of the box, just needed the calendar/contact plugin to get that part working. But otherwise it all worked fine. Setup of TB was under a minute to get working, so happy with that.
I just believe the lack of proper email clients available at the moment?