Do I need help?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Dear Dr. Jeckel,

A few weeks ago my #1 ISP closed up. I have another account with the people who host my web page and which which offers better service than Dingo Blue, but is expensive - $1 per hour flat rate - so I use Netconnect sparingly. It was time to look around for a new service provider.

Here in Oz, that's not easy, particularly as I'm in a regional centre, not one of the big capital cities. I wanted a reasonable monthly rate, unlimited download - I won't even consider this 300MB max cap crap - and as reasonable a level of performance as one can expect on dial-up. Eventually I settled on Primus, one of the major telcos, as the 4-hour cut-off aside, they are not too bad. Not nearly as good as Dingo Blue, but probably good enough to see me through until someone finally makes me a broadband offer that makes sense.

Now, the old Dingo Blue had two rates: $30 per month flat, or $25 per month so long as I had at least one phone set to use them for long-distance. So to take advantage of the $5 saving, I switched my home phone STD over to Dingo Blue. ('STD' = Australian term for 'long distance'. The term is used to describe certain other things overseas, I gather. :wink:)

Poor Dingo Blue: Outside of modem calls, I make maybe two local calls a month from that phone, and long distance maybe once a year. I don't think they made much money out of my long distance business. I was with them for maybe a year and a half, and one month I think they actually got to bill me. Grand total of $1.10 as I recall.

Anyway, when Dingo Blue closed up, I didn't worry about it. So I wouldn't be able to make STD calls unless I got an alternative provider? So what. Not worth bothering to make a call to organise it - I have a mobile, a web connection and three lines at the office where all my calls are tax deductable anyway. But then Primus called: seeing as I was using them for Internet access, how about my phone lines? Even then I wasn't going to bother, but they offered a discounted local call rate - 16c instead of 20c a call, I think it was. Hmmmm.. 4c a call, maybe 4 or 5 calls a day on average, that's ... er ... about $1 a week. Might as well, I thought, and then I would get long distance access again too, just in case I ever wanted it. So I did that. It would take a couple of weeks, they said, before the services switched over. Fine.

Well, the couple of weeks passed, and then at about 8:30 one night earlier this week, I was cruising around the web and the line dropped out. I thought nothing of it. Didn't bother dialling just yet as I had a few other things to do. Two hours later I went to log on again: nuffin. Couldn't dial out. I buggerised about for a while, even digging an actual telephone out and plugging that into the line instead of the modem. Dead as mutton.

So I grabbed the mobile, looked up the service difficulties and faults number in the phone book, rang it. After an interminable period of navigating my way through the automated answering system, I finally got to key in my number and got "Our records indicate that this service is provided by another phone company. Click!"

Pricks! They could at least tell you the proper number to call. So I got the phone book out again, looking for Primus. Now these guys are the third-biggest telco in Australia, I think, certainly a major provider. And would you believe it, they are not listed in the telephone book. No entry under "Primus" or "iPrimus" in the white pages, nothing under "telephone service providers" or "Internet services" or any other damn thing I could think of in the yellow pages either.

Eventually, I had to admit that these cheesy low-rent bastards, a supposedly major national carrier, couldn't even get it together to spring for a $30 listing in the Ballarat phone book - hey, this is the book that serves an area of about 200,000 people, it's not like it's the back of Bourke. So I called directory assistance, got another stupid automated voice recognition system, though this one was intelligent enough to spit out the correct number eventually.

Dialled Primus faults line: another stupid press the number routine. A minute or two of number-pressing finally got me through to the faults department and, you guessed it, a recorded message: "Thankyou for calling Primus faults. Please disconnect all devices connected to your phone lines and try again with a working phone. If the fault persists, call us back. Click!"

Idiots! I already did that.

Dialled the second time. Press this number, press that number, buggerise about again. Action at last! "Thankyou for calling Primus faults. Please disconnect all devices connected to your phone lines and try again with a working phone. If the fault persists, call us back. Click!"

Called a third time. "Thankyou for calling Primus faults. Please disconnect all devices connected to your phone lines and try again with a working phone. If the fault persists, call us back. Click!"

Round and round and bloody round I went. Eventually, I went to bed early.

Woke up around 3:00AM, wasn't sleepy, felt like surfing. For a half hour or so I tried to read, thought about playing Age of Empires, finally admitted that I wanted to visit Storage Forum and jumped in the car and drove to the office, where I surfed happily for a couple of hours before coming home to bed.

In the morning I called Primus again, nearly fell of my chair when got an actual human being. After 15 minutes on hold (while she tried to get someone technical to test the line, and I wondered if my mobile battery was going to last) she told me that it was an actual physical line fault and that they would send a technician out to repair it within two working days. I should have said "what the hell do you mean two working days, I want it fixed now!" but I couldn't seem to find the energy. I should have pointed out that the likelihood of suddenly getting an actual physical line fault on a still, cold June evening when I hadn't had one with the other phone company for five years, right through rain and hail and driving storms and heatwaves was somewhere about the probability of a butterfly fart in hell, but I was feeling weak with withdrawal symptoms - hell, I can't remember the last time I had to face the purgatory of that interminable time between getting out of the shower and being dry, dressed, and ready for work without the web to keep me company. So I just said "thankyou" and hung up, then drove straight to work without even drinking a single cup of tea. (I usually breakfast on Storage Forum, two smokes, and three giant-size pint mugs of tea.) It was the first time I've beaten Kristi in for ages. She found me there with a cup of tea in one hand, trackball in the other, and Storage Forum up on the 21 inch Mitsubishi.

At five o'clock I was about to go home when I remembered the phone call that morning. Hadn't she said two working days? Yike! It might not be fixed yet! I better send out for pizza and stay here. So I did. Finally went home about 11:00ish. Sure enough, no phone. And then another ordeal to face in the morning. I was one and a half hours early for work today.

Tonight, the line is working at long last. I think I'll just bring forward my cable hook-up and tell them to stick their phone-line up somewhere sideways.

Anyway, my question, Dr.Jeckel, is this: if I go and murder someone at the phone company, will you give evidence to say that it was justfiable homocide?


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Maybe you need me on the jury Tony. I'd say it was justified :) Why can't people give accurate time frames? You'd think that just after winning some business in a shocking economy, a business might actually want to do something to keep the business.

Nah, it all gets too hard...


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
I don't mean to pre-empt the good Dr Jekyll, but welcome to the world of Australian phone companies. :(

I'm something of an embittered warrior when it comes to telcos, so I make a point of leaving local call access with the bastards that own the local loop: Arstel. But like hell will they get my long distance business.

Of course, this is all because of Telstra to some extent, in that it's their bloody technicians (or subcontractors anyway) that get sent out to fix their equipment, but they go out of their way to stop you dealing directly, instead making you jump through hoops with what is essentially a rebiller (they get invoiced in bulk by Telstra and they invoice you).

In defense of Primus, we used them for about four years for long distance and internet, and had not a single complaint. This is more than I've been able to say for other Oz telcos.

But I have heard of the horrendous and growing problems with hold queues, most especially with phone service. My commiserations.


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Yes. I don't recall if I told the fun story of when our phone line went on the fritz - lots of crackling on the line - and we called Optus (our local and LD provider - okay, okay, I get an "employee" discount (still! Even though we sold them about 9 months ago)).

It was Tuesday. We jumped through the usual "no, I am not an idiot" hoops - eg. "are you perhaps crackling celophane next to the mouthpiece? That would cause that noise" - and they said they'd send out someone on... Monday. In other words, almost a week in the future.

We happen to have two phone lines - one main line with Optus, and one for the fax and the ADSL service, which is with Telstra so I get the discount on my ADSL service (like you Tony, we almost never make outgoing calls on it). They're both delivered on a single two pair wire.

So I suggested we call Telstra. And guess what, someone was promised the very next morning - and sure enough they turned up and fixed it.

Now, considering that in both cases it was really a Telstra person coming to fix the line, what does this say about the likely course of local call competition in Australia if Telstra customers get one grade of service and everyone else another?

We did phone up Optus and tell them our experience - they asked us if they could keep our name on file so they can build up a case against Telstra's anticompetitive behaviour.

The sooner they break up Telstra into a phone company (a public company) and a seperate copper network company (perhaps still in government hands), the better we'll all be. Not that they will ever do that in a million years, of course.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
If you are looking for "Dr. Jekyll" he has an exclusive contract to practice only at Storage Review. That being said, if you wish to employ "Mr. Hyde" for the dirty work, I've been told he does freelance on occasion.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
Tannin said:
Pricks! They could at least tell you the proper number to call. So I got the phone book out again, looking for Primus. Now these guys are the third-biggest telco in Australia, I think, certainly a major provider. And would you believe it, they are not listed in the telephone book. No entry under "Primus" or "iPrimus" in the white pages, nothing under "telephone service providers" or "Internet services" or any other damn thing I could think of in the yellow pages either.

Not just in Ballarat Tony, there is no listing in Tasmania's directories either. Bastards!

My phone line went dead like that once too, I was on the phone when there the power went out, when it came back on nothing doing, had to ring Primus who spoke to a Telstra tech, who said they would fix it in a couple of days. Eventually a couple of days later they rang me back and said it was an exchange screwup and it was fixed.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
I'd give you 100 to one odds that mine was an exchange screwup too, Pradeep. Hey the line has been functional for over 15 years and the very same day I switch providers, there is suddenly a problem with it? And a still, dry day. Everyone knows that phone lines screw up on wet days (because they don't insulate the lines properly), on windy days (because the wind buggers up the overhead cables, if it's strong enough) and on days where there are electrical storms. Fifteen years, then blooey. It's one hell of a coincidence to explain away, isn't it.

I suspect that the Telstra guys are much more careless with their competitors' lines than they are with their own. (I don't think there is an actual conspiracy, just an attitudanal thing.) James makes a very good point.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Just thought I'd post an update on Neighborhood Cable, for those who live somewhere it's available. This thread seems as good a place as any.

The executive summary: good.

Three problems to report. (1) They had an outage for two or three hours once. No other outages at all so far as I know. Guess that's pretty good. (2) They charge way too much extra for a static IP. I thought it was $1.50 a month, but it's more like $10 a month. That seems like robbery to me. I'll have to speak to them about it. (3) Speed is good except between 1:00AM and about 2:00AM. The "free download happy hour" cuts in at 1:00 and goes till 7:00, and for the first half hour or so, it's really slow because of every cheapskate bastard hogging all the bandwidth. They need to do something about this. I'm nowhere near using up my 5GB a month and I resent having my service buggered up by the greedy ones who go download crazy. NC need to either push the "happy hour" back to about 3:00AM, or else phase it in with (say) 50% of your download counting between 1:00 and 2:00.

Other than that though, good.