Enjoy putting the boot in?


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
I'm getting rid of a lot of pent up frustration from work in the latter stages of this thread on SR which started off on laptops but has devolved into the unveiling of one Jason Hegel as the biggest corporate pirate since, oh, at least Enron (or possibly Global Crossing). :eekers:

I'm enjoying myself, and I invite others to participate too. :mrgrn:

(I don't care whether Jason is in the right or the wrong, but it pisses me off when people hijack threads. I may have opened up my big, bad bag of sarcasm - be afraid, people, be very afraid. :wink: )


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
A truly bizarre thread, James. I have not the slightest doubt that it's just one guy, or at most two, joining up under aliases. So, seeing as he can do it .....

Funny thing, you know, there seems to be a steady stream of new members joining, and - oh what a coincidence! - they all have complaints about Jason.

You know, I have this suspicion that quite a few of the most recent ones have a certain particular email address that I just happen to have access to. And they seem to be saying gradually more and more ridiculous things. I figure that there might be three or four more newbie one post wonders join in yet, before someone asks one of them - it might be SteveJudd, might be one of the other ones - if he is a phoney. And of course, being an honest imaginery person, SteveJudd will have to say "yes".

And then we can have a whole stack of "funny you should say that, Steve, 'cause it just happens that I'm a phoney too" posts.

Care to join me?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I dimly recall seeing some nasty stuff about Knight Technology on anand's forums last year. It's possible that there are actually more people with complaints.

Either way, what's going on is stupid. I REALLY wish I was a mod on SR. This is a case where I think something clearly needs to be done. Suspending new user accounts for 8 hours or so would be a good start. IP bans for awhile would also be handy.

I'm perfectly content to argue that everyone involved on both sides is an idiot, myself.

Oh. And to occasionally post on-topic about laptops. Since that was the point to begin with.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Very much my own thoughts, Mercutio. As I read through that thread, more and more I started wondering where the mods were. But then SR has always been very, very lax about what you can post. A great strength as well as a great weakness.

I also asked myself this: "Imagine this thread was on Storage Forum. At what point would the mods step in?" Indeed, it's probaby worth discussing that very point over in the mod's forum. You guys will have to deal with something of this nature sooner or later, so you might as well think the issues through now. (Much later, I trust - shouldn't like to see it happen here.)

It has occurred to me in the past that KT could play it a little fast and loose. But in the end, that discussion doesn't belong where it is. That's why Tea took it into her head to do a little moderation by proxy. Can't do anything about the thread itself - what's written is written - but , but it seems to her that the most appropriate remedy is to fight fire with fire.

Laughter is a very powerful weapon.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
As I think about it, the first problem I have with that thread is its title. Jason and "IT pro" don't go together in the same sentence (except just now).

Looking at what's happening on SR right now, I really do feel something should be done.

My response as a moderator would simply be to lock the thread temporarily at this point, and to take a long, hard look at those new members that have signed up in the last couple of days. I think I'd write them an email asking them to contribute meaningfully to threads other than to complain about Jason if they wish to continue on SR, or face some kind of ban from SR. I don't want to take Jason's side, but his behavior on SR has been um, acceptable. Not worth punishing him for, anyway.

That's what I'd do.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
Mercutio said:
Jason and "IT pro" don't go together in the same sentence (except just now).
Heheh... that was my response before the thread got out of control...


Jan 13, 2002
Looks like big E locked the thread. I was just about to suggest DUT look into the alienware META notebook computer.

I don't know if alienware makes that notebook, but it looks decent.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
Darn it, I was just warming up. I hadn't had the chance to make my characters look ridiculous enough yet. (amm sleep requirement. When are they going to bring out an upgrade for the human being?) Oh well, I guess Bill and Tony et al were doing a good enough job of it all by themselves.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
Tea said:
Damn, I mean. I really hate it when I hit "submit" and the modem link takes just long enough to let me spot an error but not long enough to hit stop. :(
LOL... I know that feeling man. And it happens even if you have DSL... :(


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Doug, looks like one nifty laptop. I haven't seen one that allows you toupgrade the CPU before (although who knows how long it will be before Intel changes their packagaing again).


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Looking at the thread, you guys did do a great job on bringing them on topic. Well done!

Anyone game to start up a new laptop recommendation thread on SR? We've just bought everyone Toshiba Satellite 2000-series notebooks - they're not bad in terms of size, weight and performance, and they're pretty cheap here in Australia (we got ours for about USD1500 each).


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
I was about to submit that the whole thread was entirely inbounds as the site is called storagereview and notebooks have harddrives and a few people want Jason's head on a platter. Therefor.....


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
James said:
Doug, looks like one nifty laptop. I haven't seen one that allows you toupgrade the CPU before (although who knows how long it will be before Intel changes their packagaing again).

Within that thread,

Sharkonwheels said:
Right now I have a Dell, and it is an absolute dream to work on. Bought it from a friend for $100, broken. Got a MoBo and CPU off eBay (about $150 total) and it's singing (btw, it was a CPI-r400GT, P2/400. It is now a P3/500, with a CPx motherboard. Hopefully I can get a faster P3, like a 650-750Mhz. Nice, modular MMC-2 cpu cards).

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
i too recall reading some bad opinions about jason and knight-tech on anandtech so i won't presume to think he is being attacked with baseless accusations. however, he hasn't done anything wrong by us either so i choose not to have an opinion either way, not that it matters what i think.

i for one am glad it's locked. threads of such nature have little place in the general and/or technical forums. the bar and grille maybe ... hopefully it may slow jason down a bit too. not that he personally bothers me, but his article spamming and the fact he has an opinion on everything does.

my au3.7 cents


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
James said:
Looking at the thread, you guys did do a great job on bringing them on topic. Well done!

Anyone game to start up a new laptop recommendation thread on SR? We've just bought everyone Toshiba Satellite 2000-series notebooks

They're cheap, alright. Decent enough hard disks. Displays that in and of themselves aren't bad. But criminally bad chassis and keyboards. They overheat, too. Give them a few months and let me know what you think.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Really, I meant what I said about Jason's former customers staying around, too. The ones that weren't Tea (don't crap where you eat. Remember that), I mean.

SR needs clueful people. SF needs them, too. Either way. Jason's buddies claim to be IT pros? Fine. We should make them welcome and value their opinions.

And dammit. I wanna talk about laptops. That was a good thread.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
I recall a fellow SR member last year chasing Jason through the SR forums for a week or two to get delivery on a Seagate X15 he had bought from Jason through the SR For Sale forum. Unanswered Emails etc. No way I'd buy anything from the guy. What was he doing as a corporation selling through the SR and Anand-tech forums? I don't know if he was up front about the fact that he was selling items as a corporation or if he was presenting himself as a just another member. We should have a rule against corporations selling in our forum.

BTW - We are fortunate that PM works here. Had that thread popped up here, I'd have told them to take it to PM.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
No way I would buy anything from him too. The way he use laws to free himself from his responsabilities, no matter if it's legal or not, isn't morally correct IMO. Law and justice, justice in a moral meaning, are two VERY separated notions.

That said, these guys had no business in that thread and if something similar happened here, the proper way to react according to me would be to cut the unrelated post from the original thread and paste them into a new one specifically created to that effect. Then, firmly warn the offensors that such behavior isn't tolerated.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
flagreen said:
I recall a fellow SR member last year chasing Jason through the SR forums for a week or two ...

That's how I got that link to anandtech... I knew it was something like that.

Jason can be a lousy, unethical businessman. It doesn't particularly change my opinion of him (take that as you will).


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
James said:
I'm getting rid of a lot of pent up frustration from work in the latter stages of this thread on SR which started off on laptops but has devolved into the unveiling of one Jason Hegel as the biggest corporate pirate since, oh, at least Enron (or possibly Global Crossing). :eekers:

I've honestly never seen you ever get mad like that. I actually double-checked the author's name of those posts in disbelief just to make sure it was actually you. :eek:

I'm guessing you're the type that keeps it all in, and then finally lets loose in one huge explosion. :)

I don't think highly of people who hijack threads myself, but that has to be one of the funniest threads I've ever read on SR, so at least some good came out of it. :lol:

Without knowing all the facts, I really can't say who's right or wrong, but if Jason took those orders knowing damn well that he could never fulfill them, then he is morally in the wrong even if corporate law shields him from any responsibility. Small wonder that he often takes to defending MS and it's shady business practices. Also, I happen to think that his e-mails and his whole general attitude was very unprofessional from a business standpoint. That being said, I still like the guy, I'm just not sure if I would want to buy anything from him.

I guess I'll call it quits for now before I say something I might regret later. :(


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
It was pretty clear to me (who read every post) that Jason was only one member of the company and admittedly not very good at the business side. Whether that means keeping track of orders and shipping himself or monitoring the one who is supposed to.

It is extremely easy to sell something you don't have if your inventory tracking is horrible. Especially if you do not do both jobs.

There is also nothing wrong with him buying and selling parts as an individual. He is entitled to do anything he wants with his salary.

I wouldn't buy anything from anybody who had inventory problems.

PS, Stick around jtr. James can tear it up. I actually expected more from you James. Couldn't get warmed up?


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Cliptin said:
PS, Stick around jtr. James can tear it up. I actually expected more from you James. Couldn't get warmed up?
I wasn't angry, I was having fun.

Something similar happened two nights ago. Telstra (our local telephone incumbent) sells me home DSL service. I use it in the evenings and the weekends, my girlfriend uses it during the day for her web consulting work.

A few weeks ago the service was down for basically a whole day - say 20 hours. This didn't just affect us, it affected everyone in the state, so it was a pretty major outage. Anyway, my gf was pretty pissed off because obviously her business relies on her actually being able to see web pages and so on.

So I called up Telstra and complained to the billing department.

T: "Telstra Big Pond Broadband Billing, how may I help you?"
J: "I'd like to claim a rebate for the 20 hour service outage we had this month."
T: "Sir, what outage was that?"
J: "Well, that time when it was out for basically the whole day. Couple of weeks ago, I don't know the exact date."
T: "I'm afraid I need a precise date."
J: "Doesn't Telstra know when it has a service outage for that period of time? Or was "20 hour outage this month" not enough to narrow it down enough because they are so frequent?"
[The Telstra guy changes tack.]
T: "Sir, there is a specific clause in your user agreement that says that we don't offer credits for service outages."
J: "I understand that. It's just that as the national carrier, with a reputation to sustain in the market, I expect that Telstra would want to keep its customers happy."
T: "Yes sir, we do. But we don't offer service credits."
J: "Well, I see Telstra as a premium brand, with an excellent reputation. I also recall the CEO of Telstra standing up in July last year and giving an undertaking that the ADSL network would be stable by the first of January this year. Obviously, it isn't."
T: "Well, sir, as I said there's a clause in your contract saying that we don't make any undertakings as to the availability of the service. It's a service like any other. I mean, mobile phones drop out, and so there isn't perfect service there either. We don't offer credits in that situation."
J: "Obviously the ADSL network was so unstable last year that your CEO saw the need to actually publicly defend it, which he has never done with any other part of Telstra's service portfolio. He doesn't do that with the mobile network. And if the mobile network was out for a whole day, you'd have a pile of people asking for their money back. It'd be front page news."
[Silence for a bit.]
T: "So sir, what do you feel this outage was worth?"
J: "It was out a whole day. My girlfriend couldn't work."
T: "So, what if we give you a day's credit? That'd be just over $3."
J: "Is that what Telstra values a day of my time and my partner's business time and loss of income at? I think Telstra should tell me what they think that's worth."
[More silence.]
T: "I can give you a credit of up to 100% of your monthly fee. If you want more compensation, you have to call another department and put in a complaint for loss of business earnings."
J: "I'm not unreasonable, I understand this is a home service. I think we can work within the month's fees."
T: "How about 25% of the month's fees? That's about $23. Would you be happier then?"
J: "What would happen if there was another outage this month, or next month?"
T: "Well, as I said, we don't give service credits. This is a one-off goodwill gesture."
J: "So basically you're saying that I'd be selling my entire future rights to complain about the service for $23?"
[Long pause.]
T: "I suppose you could put it that way, sir, yes." [Laughs]
J: "Well then I reckon if this is my last chance to get any money out of you guys, I want every cent I can get. How about the whole month?"
T: [Laughs again] "No problem sir. Don't bother paying this month's bill, I've credited the whole amount. I do have to say, though, that we would expect you to stay with our service. You're out of contract so technically you could leave us tomorrow."
J: "I'm afraid I can't make that commitment. Surely Telstra wouldn't expect me to stay with a service that doesn't work. Are you creating a new contract obligation on my service?"
T: "No, not at all. We'd just ask that you stay with us for at least two months."
T: "How about a month?"
J: "Deal."


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
Wow...next time my service goes out I think that I will try an approach quite similar to that. I can't believe that worked...

The best I did was to get a $5 credit when my cable went out. I also got a few bucks back from Sprint on my cell phone when their service wouldn't work at all for a few days.


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
What I found interesting was how they went from "no credits" to "okay, we do do credits actually." It seems like there's a series of argument hurdles you have to get past - bit like an RPG really.


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Earlier I said:
"...was "20 hour outage this month" not enough to narrow it down because they're so frequent?"
My girlfriend overheard this bit and burst out laughing - and I could tell the Telstra guy was pretty embarassed. I think they ask you for specifics because a lot of people can't remember exactly when it was and end up being talked out of a credit.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
One point for The Giver:

"The first thing The Giver will do when Eugene appoints him moderator is limit you [jehh] to one post a day friend! And it can't be a "news item" from CNN or Fox or anywhere else or it will get deleted!"

NRG = mc²

Storage is cool
Jan 15, 2002
James, funny you should mention that. I had a 1.5 WEEK outage, just got my DSL online today. I'm gonna hunt them down for a refund. Apparently I'm the only one in the entire local exchange who uses DSL of any sort (good!) but that also meant that this time there werent enough people pestering them to fix it.
