FedoraCore 4 test 1 woes.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I downloaded and installed (well, tried to) FC4t1, but I ran into some issues.

First, although I get a correct SHA1sum for the iso files I've got, the media check always fails during installation. This is on disks that are known to be good. I've checked Fedora's support list and others are getting the same problem. That didn't prevent me from completing the installation though.

Second, once the installation finished and the system needed to reboot, firstboot didn't launch after I restarted the system. Login in as root results in a menu-less gnome session during which the only thing that works is the mouse cursor. Kinda pissed me off. I rebooted on Win2K before becoming a bit too excited and thinking about my axe.

Anyone else tried to install FC4t1 and got the same problems?