I confess to feeling a little tolerant scorn when I see someone suddenly discover the sort of effortless multitasking ability that I used to take for granted ten years ago (and on far more modest hardware). Or, for that matter, the sort of ability that Amiga users claimed to have substantially more than ten years ago, on hardware so modest that it seems quite laughable. (I never really saw this Amiga magic demonstrated for myself, but I have no reason to doubt it.)
Mr Santilli, you should have been born ten years earlier and been an OS/2 user. OS/2 and high-performance SCSI drives, by the way, made (and still make) a very sweet combination.
And for all you misguided Windows lovers out there (both of you!) I'l also mention that recent Windows versions (i.e., W2K SP2 or better, or even XP if you can stand the horrible user interface) have finally achieved something that vaguely approaches (but still cannot match) the same sort of ability, though they continue to need a truck load of extra hardware to manage it gracefully.