I was looking for something and in the back of a closet I found a really old, no, ancient laptop. An AST Research Ascentia 900n to be exact. Still powers up and boots into Windows 95. It was WAY outdated when I used it at uni to type up papers during 1998-2000. Keyboard is still better than modern laptops. Mouse is a Microsoft two-button serial ball mouse, connected to laptop via serial-2-PS/2 converter.
<5 minutes later after connecting cat-5 cable and rebooting>
Wow. I'm on the internet via Netscape Communicator v4.72. Storageforum looks like crap, tons of javascript errors, but hey something came up.
Storageforum's appearance on ancient laptop:
-80486, 75 MHz.
-24 MB RAM (upgraded from 8MB).
-500 MB HDD.
-10.4" 640x480.
-Two, PCMCIA slots w/cards.
- 10 Mbit ethernet card.
- 14.4kb modem.
1.44 MB floppy drive.
Edit: I can't connect with HTTPS sites. yet.
<5 minutes later after connecting cat-5 cable and rebooting>
Wow. I'm on the internet via Netscape Communicator v4.72. Storageforum looks like crap, tons of javascript errors, but hey something came up.
Storageforum's appearance on ancient laptop:
-80486, 75 MHz.
-24 MB RAM (upgraded from 8MB).
-500 MB HDD.
-10.4" 640x480.
-Two, PCMCIA slots w/cards.
- 10 Mbit ethernet card.
- 14.4kb modem.
1.44 MB floppy drive.
Edit: I can't connect with HTTPS sites. yet.