Occasionally when I'm at a business site that includes its own search engine, I'll search for random, completely off-topic stuff just to see if anything turns up. Usually nothing does. I figure someday I'll get a hit for something amusing because the creator of a page included a hidden comment or did something on a dare.
Yes, I do have too much free time on the web. :wink:
That said, I was surprised when I ran a search on the
Home Depot site a few days ago. I did a search for "moron" ... and it turned up several recommended products.
Likewise for "astronaut".
Interestingly, a search for "intercontinental ballistic missiles" (which you can only do from the search results page, otherwise the text entry field won't be long enough) at Home Depot comes up with a selection of "interior stains and finishes" as the best option.
That tells you a lot about their search engine, actually. You can type in
anything and get some kind of suggested product.