Getting a life


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
Mercutio said:
I'm the last person who is capable of "picking up" a girl.

It really depends on your definition. I would consider myself successful if I were able to having an ongoing conversation. That's it. I don't even need a phone number. Not every conversation/relationship has to be earth shattering and a mile deep. I learned this concept within the last two years. It was part of my recovery. :)

I stay away from danceclubs myself. In the places I would go, you would be able to hear a TV from 10 ft away.


Learning Storage Performance
Jun 25, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
Buck said:
If you are a man of solitude, the bar should be comfortable just the same.

Quite true...there are bars that are a nice relaxing place to be...Cliptin and I have been to one in his neck of the woods that is very laid back, serves excellent food at a fair price, and the sound level is more or less the din of other patrons' conversations. If I do frequent a bar, this is the type of place that I enjoy, rather than the raucous type of place that cheezy guys are trying to score one-night stands in. I was at a bar in Chicago a week ago, an Irish pub, and it was just a nice place for my friends and I to chat and hang out for an hour or so. I guess you just have to know the right places to go, or stumble onto them by happenchance! :D

BTW, where's Bartender...this thread is right up his alley!!!


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada

Hit the gym. Run that treadmill and hit the weights every other day and get yourself lean and mean. (I am assuming that if you say you look like Wayne Knight, you could stand to tone that physique a bit). Why do I say this? Because you will have more social confidence and that includes dealing with the opposite sex. And from what I have read from you in this post, it seems that a little confidence, my friend, is what you need so you can shine.

My advice is partly based on personal experience as well, as I used to be a shy, skinny, nerdy type back in high school. After I started hitting the weights and playing hockey, I just developed more confidence and got better at talking with girls.

I'm not saying all women are shallow and judge men on their looks, but it is part of the whole package, right? You even said that you prefer certain physical characteristics in women, so you should expect others to hold you to a certain standard as well.

But this is not to please certain women, Merc. This is for YOU. You look good, you feel good. Confidence is sexy, man. You know you're a smart guy, so that surely can't be the problem. Your lack of confidence lies elsewhere. And if you are willing to be honest with yourself, I am sure you will know where it is. It may not be physique (if so, I apologize... I don't know much about you except what you have told us in your posts), but wherever it is, take the initiative and solve that problem. Once you eliminate some self-perceived deficiencies, you'll be twice as confident -- and twice as attractive because of that. Remember, much like these alter egos in this forum, any machinations of fear or inferiority come from a real source. Find out what they are and deal with them, Gestappo style.