Google double plus good


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Trust Google!
Google is your friend.
Bow down and serve Google!
Daily Tech said:
Google has released a new version of its Google Desktop local search application this week. However, what sets this latest release from Google's previous version is that the new desktop search copies known document formats from your computer over to Google's servers. Google says that the feature is designed to be able to help you search for your documents from anywhere -- provided you log in with the account that's associated with the files.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) cites this new feature as being extremely dangerous to consumers. Since documents and personal information will be on Google's servers, it will allow government officials to demand that Google hand over information. EFF says:

Unless you configure Google Desktop very carefully, and few people will, Google will have copies of your tax returns, love letters, business records, financial and medical files, and whatever other text-based documents the Desktop software can index. The government could then demand these personal files with only a subpoena rather than the search warrant it would need to seize the same things from your home or business, and in many cases you wouldn't even be notified in time to challenge it.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
I briefly read a news item that Gmail was offering file transfer facilities. Catch is that the transferred file can live on Google's servers for up to 30 days.

What was their motto again? Do No Evil? Utter BS. I regret opening a gmail account. Consolation is that it's dormant, I don't use it.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
The concern about this tool, like any tool, is in how it is used. Trusting Google to hold my files isn't a big deal for me. Trusting my govornment not to be scum sucking bottom dwellers isn't bloody likely.


Storage is cool
Aug 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
So far, I've been using more and more google services and I like the fact that it learns about me. Personalized search gives me noticeably superior results for example. Being able to examine my search history is also invaluable sometimes. The prioritzation of RSS articles based on my observed preferences was a terrific feature that I miss a great deal now that I'm no longer using the reader. I hope it was learning from e-mail!

This new version of desktop search isn't available on Linux, but if it was I'd probably use it until the Open Source tools caught up. Being able to search my browsing history is something that I have always missed a great deal. I've tried to compensate by storing, and organizing kazillions of links to anything that might be useful, but it's just a workaround for the fact that I can't index and search the sites I've visited. I'd kill for a Konqueror or Firefox plugin that indexed site content as I browsed and stored it.

Don't get me wrong. I am a strong believer in the value of privacy, and there are pieces of information that I don't want to share, but Google does not threaten any of the areas I'm concerned about and I can control what I give Google. I am much more concerned about the legislative and executive bodies in the U.S. (your crappy privacy laws affect Canadians a great deal unfortunately), and in my own country.