Well, WD-40 might work OK in those slow old Western Digital drives, but my X15s scoot along at 15,000 RPM and run a bit warmer than that - if I squirted WD-40 in them it would explode!
Besides, we are all organic here. Pure olive oil is what we use. Extra virgin, of course.
(Whatever that is.)
(Silly. A virgin is a sort of aeroplane. Don't you know that?)
(Errr .... Tannin?)
(Does that mean there are two sortz of virgins? Blue ones that fly around Australia, and red ones that fly across the Atlantic?)
(That's right, little one. Two different sorts. The red ones are bigger. Sometimes they have four engines.)
(So what's an "extra virgin"?)
(Err ... E_Dawg? Merc? JTR? Someone want to help me out here?)