HP laptop still slow -help me determine why

Will Rickards

Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
This is an HP dv6 AMD Turion II 2.3Ghz 4GB RAM laptop.
Installed windows 10 when it came out and since has been really slow.
Took it apart a while back, there is probably a thread around here somewhere, as I thought the temps were too high.
Thought I had those under control but I don't think the fix for that lasted all that long. At first it would idle in the low 40s.
But now temps seem to hover in the mid 50s and low 60s. I guess they'll never be better.
But that's not too bad, correct?

It had a 500GB hard drive in it.
There was some periodic pausing issue, which I attributed with disk access.
As the PC would just pause for a few seconds and then resume. Though I believe the mouse was responsive.
This seemed to be resolved with a recent windows 10 update. No more explicit pauses.

I didn't really want to throw good money after this seemingly lost cause laptop.
But I found a PNY 240GB SSD on sale for $65 and thought why not.
I bought an SSD for it thinking it would now nearly fly.
It mostly just needs to have an internet browser so processing speed is not that important.
I used the include acronis 2015 HD software to image the hard drive to the SSD.
MBR and there are 3 partitions. I think less than 100GB used or something like that.

Seems somewhat faster but not what I expected.
Boot to windows is about what I expected something like 15 seconds or less.
But the wait from windows login to desktop is like 30 - 40 seconds.
That isn't even everything loaded in the system tray, just when the desktop appears.
I expected this to be like my win 7 machine and be almost instant.
Once logged in it seems to be responsive.

I'll use crytal disk mark to check the speed later. As I have done that previously so I have an idea of the before performance.

I went to the event viewer on this machine. I don't even know where to start.
So many...

I think I'll clean install windows 10 next and see if it makes a difference.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
That Turion P520 can be outperformed by some Core 2 Duo CPUs and is 30% slower than a first generation (c. 2009) Core i3M. That guy is going to be slow in a way that just isn't going to be fixed.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
For what it's worth, I have a nearly identical machine spec-wise (mine's a Toshiba and has a Turion 64 X2 Ultra ZM-80) and it idles at about the same temps. It's a fight to keep them under 90C when it's under significant load. Like Merc said, however, it's just going to be slow no matter what you do. The technological sun is starting to set even on the last and best of the Core2Duo line, let alone anything AMD made around the same time.

Yes, I am saying that even with my main rig being a Brisbane 64 X2 with 2GB of RAM. I'm apparently some kind of masochist, is all I have to say about that.
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Will Rickards

Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Okay clean reinstall really helped.
About 7 seconds to desktop when logging in now.
Good to hear about the temps, sed.
I may not replace it after all. I do have some rewards dollars ($250) that I was going to spend towards a replacement.
Was thinking of this laptop from best buy. I'd swap the SSD in there. Though it looks like it may be out of stock forever now on that one. It was in stock thursday.

This was the crystal diskmark score before the reinstall.
This was the one after. I installed no drivers, just what windows update put there. I even disabled one device in the device manager as I don't think it is needed (some 3D hard drive protection... guessing it is a drop detection?).

As a comparison, this is the same drive in my new rig.

I haven't reviewed the event viewer yet.

One weird thing that was happening when I was trying to transfer the data to the old hard drive.
I used the old hard drive and pulled only the files changed since I swapped them (one file).
The folder under users for that user wasn't there. There were no folders there at first. This was really odd.
I shut it down and used a different usb port and then they were there. I'm beginning to suspect my sabrent sata to usb 3 adaptor or something.
But it kept accessing that drive long after it should have been. I have no idea what it was doing.
It even did that (accessing it long after it should have been - and the safe removal of the drive took like 30 minutes) after the clean wipe and using that drive to get the data onto the SSD.