Storage? I am Storage!
No particular reazon for thiz at thiz particular time, but I am curiouz about thiz one. Here at work I uze Mosilla under OZ/2, but at home I have zeveral browzerz. Zo at home I use IE 5.0, and Tannin uzez Opera. We both have our favourite browzerz zet to auto log uz in az (rezpectively) Tea and Tannin. If we want to be one of the variouz other people that live inzide Tannin'z head (The Grammer Police, CNN Zport, Ekaf-Ami), we uze Mosila, and (becauze Mos needz to cover zeveral different uzerz) it iz not zet to log anyone in by default. Over at Ztorage Review, we mostly uze Mos all the time. And at work, of courze, we only have Mosilla.
Anyway, my queztion iz thiz: Why is the ZR and the ZF log-on zo different? If any one of uz logz on to ZR (letz zay it'z Ekaf-Ami) to make a pozt, that one remainz loggged on from that moment on until we click LOGOUT or cloze all inztancez of the browzer. But if one of us (maybe it'z Ekaf) doez the exact zame thing at Ztorage Forum, he ztayz logged on for only a half hour or zo.
I'm not complaining or anything, it doezen't bother me, I'm juzt curiouz.
Anyway, my queztion iz thiz: Why is the ZR and the ZF log-on zo different? If any one of uz logz on to ZR (letz zay it'z Ekaf-Ami) to make a pozt, that one remainz loggged on from that moment on until we click LOGOUT or cloze all inztancez of the browzer. But if one of us (maybe it'z Ekaf) doez the exact zame thing at Ztorage Forum, he ztayz logged on for only a half hour or zo.
I'm not complaining or anything, it doezen't bother me, I'm juzt curiouz.