InCD v4.0.1.21


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Well I was bored last night so I decided to install the latest version of InCD. It looks nice but I didn't get very far with it.

Big complaint - it has a (relatively) huge footprint. From memory, I think that the directory size was ~12MB. But the big bloat was with memory usage:
- InCD.exe (which should be removed from HKLM / Run and just started manually when you need it) was ~7MB, and
- the InCD helper service incdsrv.exe was something like 4MB.

Incidently, when I went into Admin tools > services and clicked on stop service for incdsrv.exe, it got all hung up. The machine was still responsive, at least, until when I tried to power down last night and it froze - persumably because of the hung InCD service. I did a manual restart and booted back into Windows and successfully uninstalled InCD from the system before hitting the hay. (I certainly was happy to see that windows rebooted because I was too tired then and probably wouldn't have been too happy if I had needed to have performed a ghost restore in the morning - I'm a little grumpy when I wake up and I don't like starting the day off on the computer by fiddling around. I much prefer for things to work strainght up so that I can read the news etc first before I start getting my hands dirty).

This thread, and embedded links, highlight some of the problems of InCD 4 from the first version through v4.0.1.7

This v4.0.1.21 thread seems to confirm my suspicions that InCD 4 is still bug infested.

Did some other reading and it looks, by general concensus, like Nero 6 is also more aptly suited for beta status.
