I should amend my comment: I am disgusted on a whole new level.
The US had no right to invade Iraq. We were the aggressor and the conqueror. But, we rationalized that Saddam was lying about his weapons and he was a cretin to his people.
Except, he (apparently) wasn't lying.
So he was a cretin.
15 years ago, we didn't care that he was a cretin. We didn't care that Saddam or bin Laden or Pinochet or Noriega or Marcos or the Contras were cretins. Cretinism has not ever been a valid reason for the US to invade another country. In fact, we have a history of getting along just fine with cretins.
In the US, when cops catch a murdering drug dealer scumbag, he goes to trial, and is found innocent, he is allowed to go free, his property returned etc. That guy can go right on being a murdering scumbag.
And, for me, that's fine. We tried to apply justice. It didn't hold up to the standards of our laws. The bad guy got away, but if he does anything else, there's every chance he'll be arrested and subjected to the same thing.
Now apply that to Iraq.
That certainly is ugly, isn't it?
We've spent umpteen billion dollars to get a guy who to this point (and according to Hans Blix, in actuality) is innocent of the things that we might actually judge him for.
The US has no right to say "We don't like the way you treat your citizens". That's a matter for the UN - the legal body representing, in essence, all nations - and international law.
So we broke international law in invading. The reason we gave for invading was unjust and untrue, and to my way of thinking, we have done a real wrong and set a terrible precedent for the future.
Hence an even greater level of disgust.