I'm nto so hip to the technical stuff, but here the reuglar "digital cable" is just the part in the street and coverter boxen. The outpuy is the compost video. The digital cable box is necesary to receive the premium chanels for past couple of yuears, as a means to jack up the profits fopr the cable monopliests. The local cahnnels are worse nowe than 2-15 years ago wehen cabels wer all analog or if one were able to receive the braodcast from aetna.
Of course HD digital cable is also availiable at extra cost, thouth the number of HD channels is musch leesser. At this point I'm already speding over $1500 anally on teh regulr (low quality) digi cable with the promeim channels and I dont; want to get into all the HD TV and associatd stuff. Id figure at least another $5K in haerdeware for the 3 rooms with tVs and tehn extra cabel bills, HD and BD plaeyrs, etc. getting way ougt of control could be more like $10J.
Often I cant; find anything worht wachting anyway, and sometimes I just listen to the sound as the backgraound noise. So i am stil fine with the 4:3 if only the films wer worth a damn, but only a half dozen I care for in a year.