Logitech MX500 : it's good, I confirm.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Because of a sudden anger spike, provoked by inconsistent scrolling, I've played (again) in another episode of "how it's made" (easier to figure out when it's broken into several parts), this time with my one year and a half old electronic roden.

So there I was, this evening, looking for a new mouse, at my local Bureau en Gros store (french Staples). My past and not-so-regretted mouse was a traditional ball-based design. The reason I bust it (besides my poor anger management), was because the ball into it had accumulated some dust and the somehow static surface of the ball made it hard to remove. The reels inside the mouse were still very clean (the regular shocks it stood helped to removed any dust accumulation on those, unlike the static ball). Eventually, some dust particule provoked one irregular scrolling movement too much and that's what killed it. So I figured that by buying an optical mouse, I should no longer be tempted to test how many Gs my mouse can stand before cracking up and therefore not have to spend more cash for yet another one in a few months.

I've tried several optical mice in the past, but the only one that really impressed me was the Logitech MX300. Very precise and also relatively affordable. Unfortunately, there were no MX300 in stock at the local store I went to. They only had the dearer MX500 and MX700. I don't want to heard anything about wireless mice, so the battery-ungry MX700 was a no-go. The MX500 wasn't that much more expensive though, so despite my wallet wasn't very excited about it, I bought it anyway. I have 10 days to return it if I'm not satisfied, so the risk is limited.

Back home, plugged the mouse and ready to go (under Mandrake, I'm waiting for a F@h unit to complete before switching back again to Win 2K). Scrolling is just as precise as the MX300, which I expect since they both share the same optical technology. However, even though I couldn't care less about the additional buttons, I like it better than the MX300 since its shape makes it more confortable. At least for me. And the way I grab it, I'm sure I'll be less tempted to throw it too, since the base is larger than the top, so it tends to slip when I press it harder rather than just poping up in my palm, ready to fly on a swift wrisp movement.

It's the best damn mouse I've tried so far. Highly recommended if you're a heavy mouse user.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
CougTek said:
I don't want to heard anything about wireless mice, so the battery-ungry MX700 was a no-go.
Actually, I get nearly a week out of a charge on my MX700s, both at home at at work. And since it comes with Lithium Ion batteries, I just drop it on the charge stand/RF receiver every few days. No problems at all. Very nice and easy. The couple of times I've actually run the battery down to the point that the red light comes on, a quick 20 minutes or so in the charger gave enough charge for the rest of the day.

The only downsides are the additional weight, which I don't mind much as I just cranked the sensitivity higher to compensate, and that the mouse is for right-handers only (I prefer to use a right-handed mouse at home & left-handed at work).

The extra buttons are nice; I especially love the integrated Back button.

Under 2K @ home & XP at work, I'm using MouseWare 9.75 to gain programmability for the 8th button and to change the buttons on top/bottom of the wheel to page up/down vs. scroll up/down.

I got the my MX700s for right around US$50 each after rebate.

I've always preferred Logitech mice. My sister still has (but just recently retired) my original C7 mouse from 1985. It still works. Logitech has always, to me, had the best ergonomics and best durability. A couple of rounds of questionable drivers, but overall they've been excellent.

- Fushigi


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Coug: In addition to opticaldrivicide, you are now guilty of rodenticide.

Fushigi: I think it's really cool to be ambidextrous! Do you ever find yourself clicking non-existent buttons with the wrong hand?


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
mubs said:
Fushigi: I think it's really cool to be ambidextrous! Do you ever find yourself clicking non-existent buttons with the wrong hand?
Well, when using the mouse left-handed, it's a toss-up how I'll have the buttons defined: 'normal' so a left-click is with my ring finger, or swapped so a left-click is with my index finger. Even with that, I make very few click errors.

I'm only partially ambidextrous. It started during 4th grade when I broke my right arm. I couldn't do much of anything because of the cast, so I had to do things as a leftie. Since then I've always tried to be able to do most tasks with either hand but honestly, each hand is natually better at some things and worse at others.

The main reason I try to use both hands when mousing is to reduce the possibility of getting an RSI like carpel tunnel. Between using a computer at work and at home, that's a lot of wear on the right hand. Especially since the right hand is called on to do most of the work: mouse, arrows, major scolling (page up/down, home/end), number pad, Enter. The left hand only types & hits shift/control/alt/esc and the occasional F-key.

And after over 20 years of keyboarding I'm still not a pure touch-typist. I type pretty fast, but I still mostly glance at the keyboard while typing. The fingers find everything pretty well on their own but my accuracy & speed are definitely higherif I glance while I type. When transcribing text, I tend to read ahead several words, bang 'em out, then go back for more.

It doesn't help that I started on a typewriter, moved to an Apple ][, added a TRS-80, moved to IBM PCs then XTs & ATs, bought my Zenith, VAX terminals at college, Geac minicomputer terminals, a couple of types of AS/400 terminals, etc. While the letters & numbers never changed, the positioning of the surrounding keys was always slightly different from keyboard to keyboard. So I never outgrew glancing to make sure I was hitting the right keys.

- Fushigi


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Trackman Wheel cordless. They work OK, but I'd rather have cords than change batteries.

Trackman Marble Wheel units are my rodent of choice. I buy refurbed units so I don't have to pay $50 apiece for them, but I'd pay that if I had to. They're superb little pointers. I can't even get the things to die from wear and tear.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
mubs said:
Coug: In addition to opticaldrivicide, you are now guilty of rodenticide.
My LG burner, although defaced, still works flawlessly. No hiccups when burning all three Mandrake 9.1 ISOs. I only buy the very best stuff, I told you already.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
[joke] Sorry, Coug, whether you killed one or two, you're still a killer. [/joke]

Fushigi, my habits mostly match yours (mousing/typing), except that I only mouse with my left hand when my right is dead beat.

A gal that used to work with me (circa 1993) had a severe case of RSI. She used to use a large stylus like thing that had a ball at the tip; she would hold it like a pen and doodle with it to get the pointer to move. To click, she just pressed the ball into the mouse pad (like the scroll wheel click). I don't remember the brand name, and don't think they make them anymore.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
You know, Coug, as a topic to discuss on a computer forum, mice are really, really boring.

(Except when you just happen to have bought a new one yourself, of course.)

And seeing as Tannin and I just happen to have splashed out $1AU150-odd on a Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman .... :wink:

First impressions: not good. It's beautifully made, with more buttons than you can poke a stick at ... er 7 in all, plus the wheel, and the big optical ball is smooth as silk - ot it soon became so, it was stiff and had a grinding feel to it for the first 10 minutes or so, but this quickly dissapears as it beds in to its bearings. (Or something.)

In matte black, silver-grey and that wonderful speckled Logitech mouseball-red, it looks great.

But we are not convinced. Opticals just never seem to have the same accurate feel as mechanical mice/trackballs. There is none of that pleasing inertia, that slightly springy feel that a good mouse/trackball has. This thing, fiddle as I might with the Mouseware settings, is too slow to take off, and then goes further and faster than I want when it does start moving.

And I'd rather have two or at most three buttons all in the right places than seven of the damn things positioned such that they don't quite fall under the thumb.

Maybe I'll warm to it.

Probably not.


Learning Storage Performance
Feb 20, 2003
Sussex England
Over at t’other place, there was a thread about SR awards, what they should be given for and what they should be called.

I reckon there should be a ‘Coug Proof‘ award for anything that survives six months or more of the good Quebecois' red mists.

Quebecois', that is the right word/spelling isn't it?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
1. Uninstall mouseware. It's evil and buggy.
inspire a heartfelt "Eh, whatever" from me, too.
are really pretty nice. Fewer buttons for less confusion, although I have to admit I miss the middle button for happy use of Xfree (actually all but one of mine have the cord but it's still the same trackball).
4. I'm happiest with trackballs when I set the mouse speed all the way up and acceleration as high as it goes. Minimal mousing = more time typing.
5. Given the results of a recent SR poll and my own opinion, I think SR should have the following awards: "Best Western Digital Hard Drive" and, "Western Digital award for the most Western Digital-like Hard Drive not Made by Western Digital (SCSI)" and ""Western Digital award for the most Western Digital-like Hard Drive not Made by Western Digital (ATA)"


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
fool said:
I reckon there should be a ‘Coug Proof‘ award for anything that survives six months or more of the good Quebecois' red mists.

Quebecois', that is the right word/spelling isn't it?
I'm all for it. No problem for me to test a bunch of new and bleeding edge computer parts. I volunteer.

And Québécois (Quebecois for accents-deprived keyboards) is exact.

I prefer indépendantiste to séparatiste, but both are miles better than the bloody fédéralistes.

Tony 'Trinity' Wilson said:
You know, Coug, as a topic to discuss on a computer forum, mice are really, really boring.
Perhaps, but the goal here was to be informative, not necessarily entertaining. And Mouseware has improved a lot recently. The version from March 26th that I'm using has been problem-free so far. Just like the mouse.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
Tea said:
But we are not convinced. Opticals just never seem to have the same accurate feel as mechanical mice/trackballs. There is none of that pleasing inertia, that slightly springy feel that a good mouse/trackball has. This thing, fiddle as I might with the Mouseware settings, is too slow to take off, and then goes further and faster than I want when it does start moving.

You might be experiencing a combination of the optical ball-reader and the wireless transmitter powering down. Supposed to be better than they used to be but then I've never complained about it. Turning the acceleration down might help with the overshoot on the catch-up.


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
I'm with the banana lover on this one. Give me a good old fashioned two-buttoned corded wheel mouse with a ball anyday! After trying a few optical and cordless mice, I still consider the original $7 OEM Logitech wheel mouse (also sold as the retail version Logitech C48 FirstMouse+ and used with Compaq business desktops as the S48) to be the finest pointing device ever produced.


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
Oh yes, and no thanks to the Logitech MouseWare software. I like using it with the built-in PS/2 compatible mouse drivers. Works like a charm. Responds lightning quick, no lag, no additional CPU utilization, applies just the right amount of acceleration...


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
For those of you with corded mice and want to alleviate some of the tugging on your cord, look for something like this:


I have a desk with a keyboard drawer, so what I do is put the MouseTrap on the top of my tower and hold it in place by putting my Linksys router on top of it. Voila! Corded mouse feels like a cordless without the annoying lag and skipping.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
e_dawg said:
I still consider the original $7 OEM Logitech wheel mouse (also sold as the retail version Logitech C48 FirstMouse+ and used with Compaq business desktops as the S48) to be the finest pointing device ever produced.

How can you use a mouse that small? I have difficulty moving the little guy around without dragging my hand across the table all the way around the mouse.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Microsoft wheel mouse - works for me like a champ. I've used them so long they're like an extension of my hand. The price is good and I've never had one not work or conflict with another device with Windows (I'm not sure about our Warped friend, but I hope that it works with his OS too).


Jan 13, 2002
The only optical mouse I've ever used is the MS blue mouse. I don't know how it compares to the other brands but I find it is the best mouse I've ever owned.

I find that the tracking accuracy is much cleaner than my old MS wheel mouse. I find that since there is no ball in the mouse, that the slightest spec of dust isn't throwing me off course.


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
Howell said:
How can you use a mouse that small? I have difficulty moving the little guy around without dragging my hand across the table all the way around the mouse.

True, it is a little smaller (narrower) than the larger sculpted form that the more expensive MS and Logitech mice use, but this is precisely why I like it. Instead of forcing you to rest your entire palm on the mouse, you can grip the mouse with your thumb, ring finger, and pinky, leaving your index and middle fingers to press the buttons and scroll the wheel. I find it allows me to handle the mouse with agility and speed that I just can't do with the larger mice. Instead of moving my entire arm (as one would have to do if they rested their palm on the mouse instead of using a few fingers), the base of my hand stays on the mouse pad and I move the mouse around with my fingers. It is incredibly easy to pick the smaller mouse up and reposition it as well to traverse the real estate across the 19" screen.


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
Handruin said:
I find that the tracking accuracy is much cleaner than my old MS wheel mouse. I find that since there is no ball in the mouse, that the slightest spec of dust isn't throwing me off course.

I found that since I switched to a fabric surface mouse pad instead of a plastic coated surface, I never again had problems with dust making the ball mistrack. At work, where the alternatives were either mousing on the desk surface or a plastic surface mouse pad, I had the same problems as yourself. I would have to wash the ball and clean my desk/mouse pad every few days -- what a PITA. (yes, I could have bought a nice fabric surface mouse pad for $2 and brought it to work, but that's not the point :) )


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
For a supposedly boring subject, this sure is generating a lot of discussion.

Tony 'Trinity' Wilson wrote
Do you mean Trinity is another one of Tony's aliases too?



Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
SF rule of thumb: Any thread with a ratio of posts to reads that's better than 1:10 is a good discussion.

Check out the forum and see how well that rule applies. You'll be surprised.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
Someone just introduced me to the fUnc mousepad... it's a harder surface nicer pad... comes with two sides (one meant for ball mice and one meant for optical), a clip for your cord to prevent tugging, and is large and flat.

Probably the perfect mousepad.

I'm buying one within the week.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Mercutio said:
SF rule of thumb: Any thread with a ratio of posts to reads that's better than 1:10 is a good discussion.

Check out the forum and see how well that rule applies. You'll be surprised.
:) I never noticed that before. Interesting correlation.

Cheers, CK


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
CityK said:
Mercutio said:
SF rule of thumb: Any thread with a ratio of posts to reads that's better than 1:10 is a good discussion.

Check out the forum and see how well that rule applies. You'll be surprised.
:) I never noticed that before. Interesting correlation.

Cheers, CK

that doesn't count.. i sit on my own posts and hit refresh like a madman....

not really...


Learning Storage Performance
Feb 20, 2003
Sussex England
e_dawgs on the money here, little mice are the way to go. I set the sensitivity high enough that I can traverse the whole screen without moving my wrist and uses thumb and little finger to move the thing. Oh yeah, that mouse trap, How is it better than a lump of blu-tak?


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
blakerwry said:
that doesn't count.. i sit on my own posts and hit refresh like a madman....

not really...

Hey, that's not funny. I thought you were talking about me and was wondering how you could access the server logs... :)