I'd like to point out that Tannin violated Tea's rules with his item #1: He's complaining about ATI
drivers, which are by definition not hardware.
Also, I have no idea what part of Catalyst drivers don't just work every time.
Also, SiS isn't my favorite chipset, but the recent versions that I'm familiar with don't need any drivers at all.
Anyway, here's my list
1. nvidia graphics cards - They run hot, they die fast and they seem to be a main cause of system instability in PCs that use them. Blah.
2. Inkjet Printers - period. Good printers are shaped like copy machines and cost a bloody fortune.
3. Western Digital hard disks - The brand that taught me all the different ways a head crash can sound.
4. Abit motherboards - Some of them default to overclocking. Some of them don't have important little parts like PS/2 ports. I think they buy bad caps on purpose, and of course they use the
cheapest 40mm fans possible for their $150 motherboards. What's not to hate?
5. Cheap-ass cases - I have dozens of scars on my hands to explain that one. One of the local shops here amazes me by consistently finding cases in this day and age that I can break pieces off and shave with.
6. Wireless-everything. If it doesn't have wires, it sucks. Linksys stuff works great for about 3 months, then it dies. D-Link sorta works, but doesn't support security on half its products. Netgear is under the mistaken impression that wireless range should be measured in tens of millimeters. Wireless keyboards eat batteries and disconnect constantly. Etc, etc. etc. Wireless == pain in my ass.
7. S*ny. If they made it, it sucks. Viaos, burners, music players, whatever. I shall say no more.
8. Floppy Drives. Purely pointless. I can't believe I still have to buy them. I know full well no one will ever use the floppy drive I put in a PC, but if I don't, someone is going to throw a hissy-fit. I've taken to buying bulk system-pull drives off ebay. It's easier to swallow $.90 per drive than $5 for something that's not worth my time to install in a chassis in the first place.
9. Jetway/ECS/PC Chips motherboards - The scrapings from the liner under the bottom of the barrel. Absurdly common, because every single whitebox shop in Northern Illinois and Indiana uses one of those brands as their "bargain" motherboard. I can't get away from them. I'd be
happy to have to scour MSI's web site for drivers (I never see MSI boards, by the way), if it meant that I didn't have to deal with herpes-ridden ECS.
10. Weirdo flash Memory and devices which use weirdo flash memory. Good flash devices are CF or maybe xD. Not MMC, not MS, not MS Pro, not MS Pro Duo, not RSMMC. How many fucking ways do we need to store 256MB of files on something a little bigger than a fingernail?