MTBF is mooseshit, according to study.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec

According to Carnegie researchers, manufacturer MTBF ratings are highly overrated. Take for example the Seagate Cheetah X15 series, which has a MTBF rating of 1.5 million hours. This equates to roughly over 171 years of constant service before problems. Carnegie's researchers said however that customers should expect a more reasonable 9 to 11 years. Interestingly, real world tests in the study showed a consistent average failure of about six years.

The average replacement rate of drives ranged from 2-percent to a whopping 13-percent annually, indicating that there is a need for manufacturers to reevaluate the way a MTBF rating is generated. Worst of all, these rates were for drives with MTBF ratings between 1 million and 1.5 million hours.

Also, scuzzy drives with a high price premium aren't any more reliable than their cheap SATA conterparts, always according to their study. With a 100,000 drives sample, I'm quite confident that their results are fairly accurate.


Storage is cool
Dec 13, 2003
Bulacan, Philippines
The first time I read Drive SpecSheets I was so impressed with the MTBF ratings. Impressed or no, I was sceptical, and took it to be a marketing ploy.

When most of the manufacturer's dropped their warranties to 1 year, I said, that seems like a better indicator of drive longevity than the MTBF ratings.

Today? I don't care about what they print in the brochurs. When I picked up an 80Gb Seagate SATA drive weighing less than what a Maxtor 1-platter drive of 4 years ago, I just pray.