

Learning Storage Performance
Jul 30, 2002
slo crostic said:
Radio Birdman are one of the best bands ever IMHO...

Being the ever-growing brain that rules from the centre of the ultraworld (OK, I stole that line from The Orb's first EP), absorbing all sorts of musical knowledge and pablum along this journey called life, I recall the term "radio birdman" off of an old Stooges album called Funhouse. I forget if it was "TV Eye" or another selection off of that album.

But, anyway Slo, does this below ring a bell???


slo crostic

Learning Storage Performance
Jul 29, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I'm unsure about the radio birdman reference on the stooges album, but I do know radio birdman covered TV Eye on the australian version of 'radios appear'...........and what a version too!
Aaaahhhhhh......Fugazi, are you familiar with their work?
These guys are the masters of off-beat music and their roots are buried deep in the era of the early 80's DC punk scene.


Learning Storage Performance
Jul 30, 2002
slo crostic said:
I'm unsure about the radio birdman reference on the stooges album, but I do know radio birdman covered TV Eye on the australian version of 'radios appear'...........and what a version too!

Well, you're stirring up some slightly ancient memories. I'll probably have to pickup the "Radios Appear" CD this weekend to refresh me noggin' with what all's on that album. I do hear the occasional track from that album on the local radio (KTRU-FM or KPFT-FM).

I've somewhat recently been "re-buying" '80s music that I once had on vinyl; the last was 4 albums by Jesus & Mary Chain. :erm:

Aaaahhhhhh......Fugazi, are you familiar with their work?
These guys are the masters of off-beat music and their roots are buried deep in the era of the early 80's DC punk scene.

I've not actually owned any of their CDs, but I have listened to others' CD / LP releases from Fugazi or in certain record stores. I have seen them live either 2 or 3 times back in the late 1980s -- I think for free once. They used to play here about every 4 months it seemed back then.


The Grammar Police

Learning Storage Performance
May 30, 2002
We are everywhere!
On the matter of Radio Birdman and the Stooges referance to the name, as I recall it was actually the other way around. The Birdmen took their name from the line in the song, and named themselves "Radio Birdman" in tribute to the Stooges.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
.Nut said:
No, "Wet Dream" is Richard Wright's (P.F. keyboards) album.
Thanks for that correction. I'm now confused over whether or not its Richard's or Dave's album that impressed me all those years ago!

QIT is nowadays QUT -- after the merger about 3 years ago, and still located on Queen Street, if I recall correctly.

I'll admit that I knew that, but wanted to see if you did. :) We always pronounced it 'quit', so when they changed the name we called it like it's written, "qut". These days, no-one seems to have any idea what we're on about. :roll:

Oh, and although Brisbane City is infested with streets named after British monarchs (such as Queen, Elizabeth, George, Edward, etc), QUT fronts on to Alice St. :)

It's very good indeed to have you back, *a*y.

The JoJo

Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 25, 2002
Finland, Turku

Did someone mention RUM?

Ah, Hana bay rum? Never seen it in the Finnish liquer store. Mount gay yes, but not Hana.

Could you give me some info on Hana bay rum? Where is it made?

Bartender, give me some Hana!

I'm deffinitely a rum man...


Storage is cool
Feb 22, 2002
Behind the Bar
Hana Bay Rum is made in Hawaii by Hawaiian Distillers. They used to have a website, but it has been out of commission for almost two years. Nevertheless, the company still exists, and their products still get circulated. My favorite from them is their Premium Gold. The taste is very similar to Mount Gay. This is the closest that I could get for you when it comes to online documentation for them:

As you’ll note, the link on this page for Hawaiian Distillers doesn’t work.

The first time I tried this rum, I couldn’t believe how smooth it was in comparison to Bacardi Dark. It certainly reminded my of Mount Gay and why I like rum. It is still not the perfect rum, but it certainly satisfies my taste. I first sampled this rum in Kona, Hawaii. Later on, when I found myself in Waikiki, I asked the bartender at Chuck’s Steak House in the Outrigger Waikiki, if they used that rum in their Mai Tais (which are delicious), and she said, “No, we prefer to use Diamond Head rum instead, because the extra bite of the cheaper rum makes its way through the fruit juice, whereas a smooth, good quality rum would be over powered and never appreciated. Which makes perfect sense; hence, I usually drink Hana Bay rum on the rocks, or with a splash of Diet Coke.

Another tasty Hawaiian rum is Whalers. They make a delicious dark rum that is robust enough to make itself known, regardless of what you mix it with. Don’t get me wrong, it is not strong in the sense of an alcohol taste like with light rums or 151, but it has the complex flavor that handily overpowers colas and fruit juices. When you mix it with Coke, you can see it sink to the bottom and separate from the cola.


Learning Storage Performance
Jul 30, 2002
The Grammar Police said:
On the matter of Radio Birdman and the Stooges referance to the name, as I recall it was actually the other way around. The Birdmen took their name from the line in the song, and named themselves "Radio Birdman" in tribute to the Stooges.

That's what I said (I thought). Yes, the Stooges released their albums in 1969, 1970, and 1973. The later two ("Funhouse" and "Raw Power") were the best in my opinion, though I've met a few people who though their first was their best (?!?). Radio Birdman came along after the Stooges.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
In fact, there is this line in 'Do The Pop' from Radios Appear:

We saw the Stooges and the MC5
Drove themselves insane alive
Nova, blow torch, A-bomb eyes
The Pop's the way, the truth and the light


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
After hearing it on infinite repeat for about three hours today, I have concluded that "Yellow Submarine" is without question a leading candidate to replace "Being force-fed my own scrotum" in my recurring nightmares.


Learning Storage Performance
Jul 30, 2002
time said:
In fact, there is this line in 'Do The Pop' from Radios Appear: ...

I may very well run into someone this weekend who is, I believe, a bit of a Radio Birdman expert that works at a local record store.

No, he's not an Australian, even though I seem to know quite a few by chance -- both here and in Oz -- but someone that I recall seeing wearing a black and white Radio Birdman T-shirt fairly often many years ago.



Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Time, I heard that you got a brief sampling of Fats Domino. Any impressions of him after a few weeks of hearing his music?


Storage is cool
Feb 22, 2002
Behind the Bar
Just an Observation:

As many times as I have heard the song: An der schoenen, blauen, Donau, and as many different orchestras that I've heard play the song, nothing has, of yet, out done the version played by the Philadelphia Orchestra under the reigns of Eugene Ormandy at the Broadwood Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 27, 1959. No, I wasn't there in person (although that would have been superb to hear in person), but I have the recording.

I've heard many different versions played by orchestras from around the world, but as far as listening pleasure goes, the speed of the rhythm and the timing set by the conductor makes this version the most pleasant to listen to. This version is not the most ideal for dancing, but instead the feeling of the conductor and the orchestra truly comes out in such a relaxing and soothing rhythm. Some versions almost border on a polka style when they play waltzes (to fast). But a waltz is supposed to be relaxing and easy. Ormandy’s version has this relaxed feeling, however, since it was played for listening, certain steps are played longer then you would normally dance to. However, having these long steps makes the music so calming and soothing.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
When I'm cooking or something where I'm not really "listening" to the music I play this shoutcast station, WUNC 91.5 FM, Chapel Hill, NC.

I wanna sample some Buddy Guy. Any one have access?


Learning Storage Performance
Feb 20, 2003
Sussex England
Pretty sure I've got an album called "Damn right I've got the blues" by Buddy Guy, but I think its on cassette :( .
If I can find it ( my music collection is of labyrinthesque filing, eclectic, and large enough that I'm reconsidering my opinion that one can never have too much vinyl) I'll try and mp3 a few tracks for you cliptin. As far as I remember it's a late 70's or early 80's recording, electric blues, and, for my taste, somewhat too smoothly produced. Buddy however plays a guitar that’s worth the price of admission in spite of these limitations.

BTB if you’re looking for blues stuff you could do a lot worse than checking out some Keb Mo or Eric Bibb stuff. Also, although their classic status and the exemplary erudition of those posting here probably renders this recommendation redundant, you simply must hear Muddy Waters “Folk singer” and Albert Kings “Born under a bad sign”.

On a different tack has anyone else heard/ heard of Chip Taylor ?
If so what do you think if not IMO you should rectify the situation in short order.

Although gratified to see the distinction between Hip Hop and Rap I can’t agree with the seeming consensus that the former genre ( and even to a limited extent the latter) is of no musical value. Of all the music I have come across in these twenty eight years of mine NOTHING else comes close to the sheer unbridled and unbreakable life affirming energy of the finer HH records. And, as may be apparent from the purple hue of this, and doubtless all my other, posts, I like words, I like to play with them to make them dance and stretch them to the point of breaking. So when I hear a line like
“ I saw the new day coming,
it looked just like me.
Sunburst through the clouds,
my photo ID”
I can’t help but smile so hard my cheeks hurt.

Hmm, purple, Prince, from Controversy to Lovesexy(i.e. all through the 1980s) I don’t think anyone else could hold a candle to him.


Learning Storage Performance
Apr 8, 2002
Highway To Hell

>> Catch Ty live........Only a few more dates left! <<

Come and see Ty play LIVE!
Don't forget to send in your favorite pictures of you and Ty or Ty live
to so we can post your pictures on the website!
Ty will be performing with Jack Russell's Great White featuring Mark
Kendall, David Filice, and Eric Powers.

February 20-West Warwick, RI-The Station
February 21- Springfield, VA-Jaxx
February 23-Hartford, CT-Webster Theater
February 25- Indianapolis, IN-8 Second Saloon (free radio show)
February 27-Madison, WI-Luther's
February 28- Coal City, IL- Batta Boom
March 3-Saint Robert, MO-The Rockin R
March 4-Oklahoma City, OK-The Classic Rock Cafe
March 6- Amarillo, TX- South Beach
March 7- Hidalgo, TX-Borderfest
March 8-Beaumont, TX-Antones



Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
.Nut - only arrived at Jesus and Mary Chain about the time of Head On. Sisters of Mercy by any chance? Early R.E.M., Smiths, Cure, Age of Chance?

On a side note, anybody heard of Sunny Koll?

In the 90's I was listening to Pearl Jam, Garbage and the Offspring - but after giving up Dj'ing, I rarely listen to anything anymore, and if I never hear

You took the words right out of my mouth,
Summer of '69,
Hurt So Good,
Khe Sahn, or Working Class Man

again, I'll be a happy man (Sunnyboys?)


Learning Storage Performance
Jun 26, 2002
LiamC said:
.Nut - only arrived at Jesus and Mary Chain about the time of Head On.

Well, that was years later for me ("Head On", actually "Automatic" was the name of the LP). My first exposure to J&MC was their excessively feedback-driven first album called "Psychocandy" on local radio. I didn't really care for it much, but I eventually came around at some point -- sorta. I like the later ones better, up until "Honey's Dead," but that was it for me. I didn't like any of their stuff from the '90s.

Though I've largely caught up with replacing certain albums that I had in my past vinyl LP record collection with compact discs, I've done a bit more "catching up" since that message last year. As far as catalogic-type additions, I've since added a few CDs from a group fromm the '70s called The Strawbs, a few '70s albums from Utopia and Todd Rundgren, and some from a group that still exists called Spiritualized. There were a few single CDs as well and maybe another "catalogue" addition, but I'm trying to remember what they were at the moment.

Sisters of Mercy by any chance?
Bwaahaahaa! I kinda liked a bit here and there from Mr. Andy, but overall not particularly. "Floodlands" was basically it for me.

I know there were a raft of Sisters copy cats that came along shortly afterwards. Jeez, talking about fetid musical territory, the whole post-Sisters "goth" movement was nothing but unmitigated crap!

Early R.E.M., Smiths,

All REM and The Smiths suck hard. :skepo:

I like The Cure only from about, er... [hand banging on side of head] er... "Head On The Door" all the way straight through to "Wish." I like bits and pieces of some of the earlier albums, and basically no post-"Wish" except "Bloodflowers."

Age of Chance?

Who??? Got any background on 'em?

On a side note, anybody heard of Sunny Koll?


In the 90's I was listening to Pearl Jam, Garbage and the Offspring...

Well, I pretty much avoided all 3 of them -- then AND now.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Re: Just an Observation:

As posted by the Bartender earlier in this thread, listening to Johann Strauss is beautiful. I have been playing a mix of his songs over and over again for the past two weeks - fantabulous!


Learning Storage Performance
May 10, 2002
Rack 294, Pos. 10
time said:
Yeah, but that assumes he didn't sell his soul to Mick.

From that lovely photo above, it looks like the Wax Museum owns his soul.

Nowadays, that's Sir Mick. It looks as if Keef will stay a humble, but dangerous, serf in the Kingdom of things.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I'm really enjoying Röyksopp right now. I think it's more difficult to make interesting, engaging music that is slow and simple. Merc's selection above is another example.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
ddrueding said:
Very nice just ordered the album listenting to music like this @ 128kbps MP3 is such a tease.

Actual blues music isn't broadcast much any more. You can say someone like Eric Clapton gets his time in the sun, but calling his music blues is like calling a twinkie "wedding cake".

Anyway, I'd like to know whether you liked the album.

I've been listening to lots of Samuel Barber. His Collected Songs. Learning those songs is something that very literally imparted me with a love of poetry. Barber selected texts from all over the literary world, and his choices really do show the depth of the written word.
Also his First Symphony and Essays for Orchestra and his Concertoes for Piano and for Violin.
Barber was a composer of the 20th century, but his idiom was hopelessly lost in the romanticism of the late 19th. It's very delicate, beautiful music.

The JoJo

Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 25, 2002
Finland, Turku
Hmm, I've been listning to the soundtrack from the movie "The Rock", and I like it.

Also been listning to Andrew W.K. This fella seems to have som psyco words...Perhaps they wouldn't sound so negative if I'd bother to get the lyrics and read through them (or then the music will get REALLY weird in, that's the other possibility...).

Damm this "rock" music is good!