I was camping in Cape Breton this weekend. Literally, the first thing I did when I got back was download the torrent for this last weekend's Battlestar Galactica episode.
Boring? I haven't watched TV in two years! After watching Season 1 on DVD & Season 2 off torrents, I'm turning on the old tube every Saturday since Season 3 started up. Battlestar is science-fiction in its most true and its greatest tradition: displacing humanity and our culture into a setting to better examine serious social and political issues --and most of all, to bypass people's natural fingers-in-the-ear response to criticism of things they long ago decided were good/necessary. Oh, and I do have to admit the music is terrific; I hadn't considered buying the soundtrack --didn't even know they were available-- but I think I might check out at least one of the discs. I distinctly remember that the percussion in some of the Vyper scenes has definitely affected my heart rate. Any recommendations on which disc to buy if I was just going to get just one at Merc?
(I do have to admit there was a brief period in Season 2 where things were a little less awesome.)
To better understand Gilbo's "woohoo" respones to Eugene silly rant of 'this is my forum, stop that shit, or you're out of here' (without giving an
meaningful guidelines or specifics...which is very typical of an Eugene response/answer/statement with respect to his biases in his 'vision' of accurate HDD reviewing); you do know of course that discussion of what you're speaking of above in boldface, has been outlawed on SR as of Nov.4, don't you?
Start a wine of the week thread on this site, and I may reply, but not likely on SR. Because like politics, opinions vary; and if you read wine geeks forums there are often heated terse debates going on...let's give a hypothetical "Gilbo you obviously have little in the way of varied or large tasting mental database to base your conclusions on, also not much taste from such a narrowminded bias in favor of such wines. I, on the otherhand have tasted many of the wines you like (like big concentrated wines, but not of the what the Burgundians would consider 'vulgar' type that appeals to your present palate which many change with more years of experience...or maybe not, different strokes for different folks, and you have a 'Parker palate' (usually considered an insult amongst wine geeks, btw

), but you don't understand there are so many 'style' variations within a given grape varietal, or even the same varietal grown in the same area of the world.
Bitch! (is there a smart arse smiley icon?) $9, 40yr old grenache vines (you'd only know this if you had a subscription to the Wine Advocate) from Australia. Nothing bitchy about it, but I get a 1/2 empty bottle to this lovely Korean woman who I invited to a sushi restaurant she'd not been to before, along with a few of my wine weenie friends. She loves the color pink, and the label is pink. She laughed at the label, and asked me if I was trying to say something to her, imply the label was in reference to her

. So many different styles of wine making for grenache (which I far prefer to Syrah, as it's even bigger in many cases, but with a more seductive, jammy fruit that
women, especially those who are not regular wine drinkers, seem to favor...Le Continental strikes again), so many I don't care for. You have to read wine writers (yeah, one of the person's at our group was an awarded restaurant critic and he used to write a wine column, and he hasn't read reviews in a decade)...simply because you tend to miss out on wines, there are too, too many floating around, not even all the wine writers in the world, and now bloggers, can taste/cover them all.
If you have a CostCo near you in Canada, Grape Expectations is now importing to CostCo as a client (at least in my area of westcoast) so you can get Dan Philips' other bold, thick, extracted style Oz reds @$13 for the least expensive one @ CostCo that is now in stock.
Getting OT, here so a couple of pix of the wines we've made so far (2006 Sangiovese is in barrel right now, from Central Calif. sourced grapes, over produced to the tune of 8 tons/acre!...2-4 times optimal, but it was relatively low cost). Than monster Zin 17+% alc. in a thick heavy old fashioned style Bordeaux bottle(final alc. level never lab tested, you get some reduction from the élevage, but originally it tested @ 17.58%) has closed up, the fruit is attenuated, and lost a lot of color since removal from barrel and bottling this January-really disappointing for me at least, my friend is of enormous ego and refuses to acknowledge the significant change, w/professional wine makers heaping up praise, out of 260+ silver medals given at this year's Orange Country Fair in the homemaker wine competition we got a silver medal...hoping that it will come back around to taste something like it did out of barrel in the next few years...it should outlast us, but will it still have any of what it had in barrel in the future? Drink this one in 30min. and you'll be posting rants in ddrueding's pizza thread on SR, and having FS insult you for that, lol. And you won't be having any sex with the g/f that evening either.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/udaman/Wine-et al/LAZin04.jpg (smaller file size, lots of compression, but pix quality more an function of the lousy Olympus C-50, full manual control of exposure and viewfinder it's only positives...thinking of the Fuji F30, but it has flaws/lack of features that make it short of an ideal compact digicam)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/udaman/Wine-et al/Larner03Syrah-3sizes-lg.jpg (large file size, larger pixel size image)
Battlestar, we'll if it's got a Ceylon like Boomer, can't be all bad...damned series is very difficult to follow, even when they had a season opener that recounted what had happened in the prior season. (hmm, why don't I see the img link appearing, is there a sticky posted on this subject of how to post images, correctly, or different methods?)