My day with "never again" products


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Some time ago, I swore to myself that I would never buy a Shuttle mainboard again. I also said I would never buy an ECS board.

But just to see what the fuss is all about, I went out and bought myself some new toys this weekend, including a Shuttle AK32L and a pair of ECS K7S5As (and a couple of AthlonXP 1700+ chips). All told, this little trip cost me a hair over $260, which is entirely reasonable.

Out of box, the Shuttle looked like a decent mid-quality product, about the same as DFI or Biostar or FIC. Complete manual, no obvious signs of horrible chinese mangling... a decent product.

ECS was not so generous with their product.

I set up the shuttle and one of the K7S5As with XP1700s, and the last with Clocker's old Duron 850. I mated the XPs with 256MB crucial DDR RAM and the duron with a pair of 256MB generic SDRAM DIMMs. I rounded the systems out with ATI 7000s for the XPs and a crappy Trident Blade for the duron. Everybody got a Linksys NIC and a 4GB hard disk.

I went ahead and used my standard Win2000 via-chipset ghost image on the Shuttle board, which set it up perfectly. No problems there AT ALL.

The other two I decided to do something different. XP Pro.
The duron worked fairly well. At first it refused to power on. At some point I took out the RAM and switched it between sockets. For whatever reason, it decided to work that way. It crashed during the XP install once, but it started back up without any problems, and the install completed. Other than that, it's been OK. It's now running a 3D screensaver and doing perfectly OK.

The other ECS board, though... amazingly enough it powered on first time. But it didn't detect its hard disk or CD-ROM. The components I used were old, but functional. I switched to just the hard disk. No joy. Just the CD? Nothing. Popped in a Fireball AS. Still nothing.
Finally, in desperation, I popped in a 2GB maxtor I had just been playing with yesterday. Spun right up. Hm... I looked, and the jumper was set to cable select. OK... Tried the fireball again, jumper set to CS. It worked, too. What the $%#? Oh well. I popped the CD-ROM back in, with my XP CD, and let it do its work.

No problems on install, but it failed to join my domain. Piece of crap. Grumble grumble.

Finished the install, went to look, and the damn thing had given itself an APIPA address instead of one from my DHCP server. Weird. Release/Renew and it STILL came up APIPA. Checked device manager, looks OK. Rebooted. Different cable? Nope. Still APIPA. Bad NIC? Put in an SMC card, loaded the drivers... nothing; still APIPA. Tried a Realtek, nothing. Enabled NetBEUI on it and on one of my other machines, nothing. Checked to make sure my switch had a link light for that port. It did. Tried crossover directly to my DHCP server. Nothing. Fdisked and loaded 98. Still nothing but APIPA.
That's the point I'm at with this machine right now. No idea what's going on. It's a piece of junk.

So for the frustration of my day, I think I'd be willing to give shuttle another shot. ECS, I don't know. I think I'm just going to take that board back


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Does your K7S5A came with the optional onboard SiS900 LAN? I can't help you much with your addressing problem since I had none with the two exact same boards I have here and anyway, I don't connect to a DHCP server directly. About the DIMM that didn't work, you probably put it first in DIMM socket #2. I have always placed my DIMM in socket #1 on the K7S5A and I never had any problem with the memory. I never had any problem with drives not set to CS either. In fact, I never set my drives at CS. Weird.

Try to install the July 2002 BIOS revision if it's not the one that came with your mainboard. You can get it from there.

Do you have the board revision 3.x or 1.x? Just curious. I only have the 1.x revision here.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Mine are rev 3.1 and do not have network hardware. Of course I tried other things like switching PCI slots etc, and a Conexant PCI modem installed and worked in the machine with the NIC problems, so it's not as if PCI is just dead.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Your network issue notwithstanding, the K7S5A is a far better value with the integrated LAN than without. Other faster boards sell for just a few bucks more than the no-LAN version, like the Shuttle you bought.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
It will come as no surprise to you to discover that I am not surprised on either count. ECS is ... well, let's make it my "be nice to Cougtek day" and just say that ECS are often very good at living up to the finest traditions of the company. The frustrating inconsistent bugs are what get you: if it's just dead, you can replace it and move on; it's the borderline, on-again, off-again ones that destroy you. (Buck and Coug seem to have the magic touch. Maybe it's their brand of after-shave or something.)

And the Shuttle does not surprise me either: all the Shuttles I have seen (not a great many, but a reasonable sample) have been right there in the decent mid-range, possibly a little above DFI or Biostar (both firms I tend to rate in the lower mid-range), maybe not quite up to ASUS or Gigabyte. My feeling is that your one-time disaster with Shuttle, like (I hope!) my seven faulty Leadtek boards) was a oncer, and that you will more than likely find that Shuttle boards do you just fine if you try them again.

As for me, I have a confession to make: I bought 10 Jetway boards the other week, despite having a strong suspicion (since confirmed by you, Mercutio) that they were a PC Chips product. I rationalised it to myself on the grounds that (a) I was not absolutely sure that they were another PC Chips brand, (b) that the KT-266A has been around for so long that even PC Chips/ECS ought to be able to get one right by now, (c) that I needed some boards in a hurry and these were the only suitable ones I could lay my hands on at short notice, and (d) that Clint, the second-greatest God of Computing (second after Murphy, of course) was on my side. I asked myself, in Clint's immortal words, "Do I feel lucky?" and answered myself "yes".

So far, Clint has not deserted me. I've used three or four of them and had no major issues. They are a little on the thin and skimpy looking side, and have a very interesting dual RAM arrangement - two slots for DDR and to for SDRAM - which I didn't know was possible with the 266A. (Are they 266 non-A maybe? Nope: their website claims 266A.) The dual RAM is very handy for upgrades, particularly right now when DDR is rather dear and SDRAM is so ridiculously cheap, and SDRAM seems to work just fine in them.

I don't think they are as stable as higher standard boards (such as our usual Gigabyte, Soltek and Epox ones, or the four functioning Leadteks, for that matter), we have had just the odd weird thing happpen now and then, though nothing you can put your finger on. In my experience, boards that do this then proceed to do one of two things as the months roll by: they either deteriorate further and turn into complete disasters, or they settle down in service and give no further trouble.

Come on Clint: I'm counting on you.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Oh, and Tannin, it is Nivea Aftershave Balm. :D

I have been running a few samples from Asus lately and have not been happy. Their layouts leave much to be desired. Requiring a change to some proprietary backplane rubs me the wrong way; using an Asus backplane instead of the standard backplane on the enclosure is poor form. I need to make money on computer assembly, not lose money because Asus boards require extra time.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I never use aftershave. Just the blade and that's it. Aftershave is for whimps, true men don't use that. Anyway, for the frequency at which I shave...


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
I think I'll stick to Intel boards; maybe AOpen. I don't have any more hair to pull out after two disasters with Tyan and VIA chipsets.

Bozo :D


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
It is the only non-integrated ECS board that my local distributor sells. I don't normally buy motherboards locally but I was in the mood for instant gratification.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Mercutio said:
It is the only non-integrated ECS board that my local distributor sells. I don't normally buy motherboards locally but I was in the mood for instant gratification.

It doesn't sound very promising. I hope the price was good.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002

yeah, never got into anime in a big way and then I realised (not that long ago) what Kimba (and Marine Boy, Prince Planet etc.) was...



Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Second board: After some idiocy in getting the board up and running - it didn't like the RAM the other one did, and I moved from Crucial to Viking to a stick of Samsung PC2700 before it actually fired up, it worked fine. Not fine as in "fine for ECS", but "fine" in general. A trouble-free Windows 98 install. Their install CD is a piece of crap, so I had to hunt for drivers, but that's hardly uncommon.

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
merc, i had a similar problem (wouldn't take DHCP) with an ECS board. i used the onboard Davicom900 NIC as well as an Intel PRO/100 just to be sure. this was with W2K. i never fixed that particular issue as i assigned it it's own IP. i wonder if that's just a coincidence.

sort of on the topic of cheap motherboards, i've had terrific success with DFI. i've only been using/selling their boards for 2 years now. i guesstimate i've built about 20-30 Athlon and P3 system using DFI boards and so far none of them have had an issue that related to quality or compatibility. i've found them to be nice and stable and consider them the best 'value' mobo on the market these days.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Your DFI success sounds good Jake. My main distributor always has a large selection of DFI boards in stock, but I have not given them a try yet. Perhaps when the time is right, I'll try a few.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
I have not checked to see where Azza comes from. At the moment, I have all the motherboard brands I need: Soltek, Gigabyte, DFI, ECS (I put this one in just for your enjoyment), ASUS, MSI, Tyan, and Intel. I have no need to try Azza.

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
Buck said:
Your DFI success sounds good Jake. My main distributor always has a large selection of DFI boards in stock, but I have not given them a try yet. Perhaps when the time is right, I'll try a few.

hope they work as well for you as they have for me.

has anyone else been using DFI lately? what are you opinions?