No chance of that for us, of course. Generally speaking, we don't watch TV. In fact, one of the reasons Tannin is such a reclusive character and prefers electronic friendships such as this one (and chatting to imaginary people like me) to visiting flesh-and-blood people, is that he can't abide a room with a TV set left on, just running. Either you are watching it with your full attention (and few indeed are the TV shows that can hold Tannin's complete attention for more than 90 seconds), or you turn the damn thing off so that you can do something else, such as read a book or hold a conversation. The number of households which have the UHF brain-scrambler switched on permanetly, and which are in consequence inhabited by certifiable morons 98 times out of the hundred, is quite tragic. Radio, even talk radio, you can tune in or out, or multi-task (just as I am listening to the excellent ABC current affairs program
PM right now, and taking most of the content in, while I am doing this post with, one trusts, no more than the usual deplorable number of typos), but TV, with its evil combination of flickering images and sound as well, attracts the eye and destroys the brain as a useful thinking device.
As for us not watching the September 11th things, not even once, see Tannin's other post somewhere or other. All the threads seem to be off-topic right now. Can't find anything.