[NEWS] - Deathstar fix


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
It would appear so! Finder's credit goes to forum member 'jamespetts'.

In January this year, IBM made available a firmware fix for their infamous "Deathstar" (Deskstar 75GXP and 60GXP) series of hard drives that supposedly significantly enhances the reliability of these drives by moving the heads around when they idle.

The link to the firmware update is here.

Anyone who has one of those drives should download the firmware update immediately to reduce the risk of hard drive failure and data loss.

This (cache) page describes the supposed problem/fix in detail.

Please do note that there are other weak points on these drives as well, such as a rather flimsy power connector and contact problems with the electronics (illustrations showing the affected contacts that should be cleaned when experiencing a "bad cable" diagnosis with a known good cable or sudden death syndrom (cache)), even screws getting loose (cache) have been suggested as a potential cause of failure.

The SR forum thread where Jamespetts posted the firmware link is here.

Submitted by LiamC...but he forgot to provide link so I had to waste my precious time looking for the thread on SR!!! ;-)