[NEWS] - Nvidia releases oc utility for nForce 2/3


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Designed to leverage the power of the NVIDIA nForce2 and NVIDIA nForce3 media and communications processors, NVIDIA System Utility provides PC enthusiasts with an intuitive interface that allows them to change their current system configurations and also easily obtain information about their hardware components and installed NVIDIA nForce software drivers. For those users who wish to stretch the performance of the PC outside standard settings, NVIDIA System Utility affords them the ability to do so in real-time. Built-in safety features are incorporated which return the PC to normal operating conditions should any issues arise when new settings are tested. The NVIDIA System Utility software interface also provides a feature to save and load user-defined configurations for game and task-specific overclocking, enabling wide flexibility for enthusiasts.
Yet another way to toast your board.

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