[NEWS] - Seagate ships 200GB HDD...although a bit late.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Seagate Technology, a storage company that is somewhat behind competitors in terms of large hard disk drives, recently started to sell its 200GB HDD that has been announced, but that is not currently listed in the company’s directory of products.

Announced back in mid-September 2003, the new Barracuda 7200.7 200GB models are offered with an 8MB cache and a three-year warranty. The 200GB device utilizes a couple of 100GB platters that are also the base of certain Seagate’s 160, 120, 80 and 40GB Barracuda 7200.7 models. Despite of the original claim, the 200GB HDD from Seagate Technology did no show up in November, but only emerges in the very late December in Japan with likely appearance in early 2004 in the USA and the EU.


Parallel ATA-100 200GB hard disk drives from Seagate Technology are quoted between $170 and $210 in Japan.
They must have had serious problems to have almost completly missed the Holiday season. Let's hope everything has been fixed now.

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