NEWZ: Sun & Microsoft Now Best Buddies


Learning Storage Performance
Jul 30, 2002


McNealy: Boy oh boy! With the price of things going up around here in the south bay area, this $1.6 Billion sure will go a long way!

Ballmer: Well, $1.6 Billion is just pocket change up in my neck of the woods. Otherwise, don't spend it all at one place -- unless it's at the dentist for some teeth that don't look like they were stolen out of a horse's mouth.

McNealy: Hey! Look who just walked in! Man, I haven't seen you in months, but now suddenly... What the hell are you doing here, Jobs?

Jobs: Ballmer, now you can pay me, too, you fat b@st@rd. You and your band of idea thieves and code thieves stole and stole from my Macintosh playtoys for so long, now you owe me b-i-g-time, man!

Ballmer: Here, take this payment. <he hands him a shiny bicentennial quarter> Now get lost before I do my dancing gorilla act and accidentally throw ya out a window or something.

<Jobs now heads out the door, strangely silent, as he is suddenly fixated on the shiny bicentennial quarter and all its eyecandy trappings...>

McNealy: Man oh man! I can't believe how well you handled Jobs! I wish I could handle Larry Ellison that well. He really bugs me sometimes.

Ballmer: I tell ya what, let's both go over to Ellison's house right now and scare the livin' daylights out of him.

McNealy: Ya! We can tell him that Microsoft and Sun have merged, or something like that!!

Ballmer: Whaaa! haaa! HAAAA! haaa! haaa!



Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
This conversation probably went something like one I was a part of a few years ago, it was kinda one-sided:

"We're bother here to make money, let's stop screwing each other and start screwing someone else; that way we both make more money."