Interestingly, I don't have writer's block if it's something factual that I'm writing about (I could literally write a book about trains or LEDs or lighting, for example). However, fiction is another story. I tend to think that the more real life experience you have then the easier writing fiction might be, and in that department I'll admit I've lived a rather sheltered existence, as have many here probably. While NYC has offered a wealth of experiences not possible to get anywhere else, I seldom leave the city, have only been to a handful of neighboring states, went to Montreal once (actually the furthest in distance I ever was from home, and the only time I left the US). In addition, I haven't had that many friends, and only one love affair. Since the best fiction tends to be replete with life experience, much of which includes humans interacting with each other, I find it hard to relate what I seldom or never experienced. Sure, I can probably write science fiction which is mostly full of wonderful technical details and extrapolation of present technologies, but without the human factor it would probably be as almost as dull as reading a technical manual. The one piece of fiction I might have inside me that wouldn't be that way would be based on my one love experience, and I haven't thought about that story enough to put it on paper.