Old (but good) stuff pricing interrogations.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
  • Athlon 500MHz
    Asus K7M (AMD751/VIA 686B)
    256MB PC100 Cas2
    Guillemot Xentor 32 (TNT2 Pro)
    AC'97 audio
    Quantum Fireball Plus LM 15GB
    AOpen 52X CD-ROM
    Sturdy Mid-Tower enclosure with "war paints"
    Antec 300W PSU (PP303X)
    No OS or software included, except those that might be added for free
How much would you give for that? (it's not an ad, I don't ship internationally). The system is a symbol of reliability. It simply never crashes. It runs Linux like shit (only when user tries to upgrade parts of the OS though, otherwise very stable), but that a BCAK problem. It has worked flawlessly 24x7 since late March.

P.S. I'm working hard to remove the sole marks, but it just doesn't want to go.


  • Athlon T'bird 800MHz
    Thermaltake Volcano 7
    Asus A7V (KT133)
    256MB PC133
    ATI 4MB Rage IIC PCI
    AC'97 audio
    Adaptec 39160 dual U160 SCSI controller
    Seagate Cheetah X15-36LP 18GB
    Maxtor Atlas 10K3 18GB
    LG 52X CD-ROM
    SMC 10/100 PCI NIC
    Antec SX800 with Enermax dual-fan 300W PSU
    No OS or....look above
Same question than above. Also ran 24x7 since...maybe May. Some problem when installing the 4in1 driver under Win2K, but that's just because the OS installation is somehow corrupted and I'm too lazy to fdisk/re-install. No physical abuse of any kind (SCSI setup just too damn expensive).

I don't need those systems anymore. I thought about selling them more than once, but I never find the time to place an ad anywhere. Not yet decided where I'll try to get rid of them. Maybe eBay, but it seems to be complicated to sell something there. I already have an idea on how much I would like to get for both, but I ask just in case I'm off the track.

BTW, BIOS on both is the latest version available as of January 3rd 2002.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
My rough guess (in USD) would be around $175 for the 500MHz, $450 for the 800MHz. You'd probably do better piecing out the SCSI controller and drives.
I'm basing this on the fact that I can buy lease-returned 500MHz machines for $150 all day long. Your machines gain points from having more RAM than those, and the X15 is worthy of $100 in drool-factor by itself.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
150U$ for the Athlon 500MHz....Ugh. That's only 240$CDN. I was hoping to get at least 325$DCN for it (~205U$) since it has a better-than-average graphic card, hard drive and memory amount.

New, the SCSI parts would cost ~1075$CDN (~675U$). At least around here. I figure that, since they are all about 1½ years old, I could at least get roughly 70% of their original value. I was hoping to advertise them for 750$CDN (~470U$). According to you, it's still too much. I better keep them then.

Guess I won't be able to build that Athlon XP 2100+ box afterall...


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Putting aside my immense dislike for nvidia, the TNT2 is almost three years old. Having the "Pro" on the end of its name makes about as much difference as a pretty bow on a pile of dog crap (er, maybe I couldn't set aside my immense dislike for nvidia after all).

If your hardware is older, it'd better be faster than a current bargain-basement machine (presently that's probably a $500 XP1600 box) or considerably cheaper than $500. If you charged much more than the prices I've suggested, I think that perhaps you'd be taking advantage of someone.
The SCSI box is a little different. There are still people who pay premium prices for SCSI. Tannin's assessment of the value of your 800MHz machine would probably be different than my own. But again, I don't think you'd be doing "Joe Six-Pack" or "Little Jimmy Gamer" any favors by selling him a SCSI rig.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I don't think a Joe Six-Pack would be interested in high-end SCSI gears and therefore, I doubt I'll be selling those to a computer-illiterate buyer.

The cheapest brand new computer I saw here was 630$CDN and it was a huge special, with half the memory than I have in my Athlon 500MHz and with a 5400rpm hard drive, but with a faster processor (Pentium 4-based Celery). I presume a TNT2 Pro still is faster than or at least about equal to the Intel 3D Extreme found in the i845GL chipset. The Xentor 32 scored 1161 in 3D Mark 2001SE build 330, if that can give any indication of its relative performances. Anyway, my point when I wrote that it is a better-than-average graphic card was that it is better than the graphic cards usually found in most inexpensive computers.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
THe current state of most on-board graphics is that they are comparable to a TNT Vanta or a TNT2 M64... Both of these are based on the TNT2 core (i believe).

The difference is that the m64 and vanta have a 64bit wide memory bus (half that of a regular TNT2) and are clocked slower in both the GPU and memory departments... the vanta has 16mb RAM and the m64 usually has 32MB.

I'm sure the TNT2 pro cost an arm and a leg at the time and it is still better than onboard graphics solution (with the exception of the nForce boards). It is plenty to play halflife(or it's mods), quake3, Wolfenstein, and most other games that are a year or more old.