Optimism 1.0.1?


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
meh, maybe this should go in the toolbox/reference section? :p

After listening to this song, or reading the lastest news on the economy, I guess we could use:

With Optimism software you can identify the factors
that trigger your depressive moods
Due Feb 2008
Windows Edition

Wait, this makes no sense, why would they put out a Mac OS X version before the M$...anyone using Mac OS X for any length of time after using Windoze, should be much happier/optimistic, yes?

And where is the "i can't get good pizza" data entry point?:frusty:

Your depressive episodes are triggered by a combination of factors that are unique to you. By monitoring the details of your lifestyle, Optimism will help you identify the internal and external things that affect your health, and the activities that are most effective in helping you to stay well. In effect, it offers a personalised solution to help you take control of the illness. The knowledge you gain about yourself and your depression is a huge step forward in implementing an effective plan for staying well.