Storage? I am Storage!
I jush bought 10 Papst 80cm fans and the one I plugged in is a long way off quiet. Is it a dud? Or is their reputation hohum?
Tea said:Hmmmm .... I see. Nope, Time, I bought these from a firm that the other place put me in contact with. They are a general electrical wholesaler, I gather, and don't know anything at all about computers. I asked for case fans and they said "what's a case fan" so I told them 12V, 80cm, 25mm thick, and they said "ah - that's an 8412N". My fault, I guess. From Steve's post it looks as if I should have asked for 8412NL or NGL or NGML.
Beware! The same problem exists with Panaflo as Papst. The 1900rpm 12L is great, but the more powerful 12H is not quiet.e_dawg said:You can also get quiet fans from Panasonic, specifically their PanaFlo "L1A" series.
FBA08A12L1A 24 CFM 21 dBA
FBA08A12M1A 32 CFM 28 dBA
FBA08A12H1A 40 CFM 32 dBA
FBA08A12U1A 47 CFM 38 dBA
Noooooo, that's not how it's done.Sol said:You could always try swapping the -12 wire for the +5V on a molex conector.
Yep. I haven't been able to spot any difference apart from motor power. IMO, this illustrates how cheesy most of the designs are. What is great at 2000 rpm can really suck at 4000 rpm ( Sorry).One would think the fans should be much the same apart from fan speed anyway.
time said:you need to swap the 5V line with the ground line that's next to the 12V line
the tidier way to slow down a fan is to use a speed controller
Delta 37cfm 6800rpm fan requires 3.5W.Sol said:Any half powerful fan (My but thats a clumsy phrase) will have a fair chance of reducing it to a smoking knob.
AU$12 isn't cheap?Besides the little potentiometer ones aren't that cheep anyhow.
Model Spec Operating mA W RPM CFM DbA
NYW09225012BS 12v 7v-13.2v 340 4.08 3500 67.3 43.0
Jan Kivar said:You'd need about 25 Ohm, 3 Watt resistors. If I did the math right... :-?
ddrueding said:Do you think these fans will be quiet enough when brought to 7v (~22DbA)? If so, what size and rating of resistor would be appropriate (my math skills suck)? No adjustments are necissary, I'd prefer to simply attach a radio shack purchased resistor of sufficent size to the 12v lead.
NRG = mc² said:To clarify, 25dB *each* at 7v
IIRC, 2 50s in parallel give you 25 ohm, correct?
Can I stick these 2 50s on a 12V line leading to 3 of these fans?